South Wall, Detroit Lewis Studio & Bar

Is our delegate system working? We learned in 2000 that it does not matter how much of the popular vote you get, delegates got to choose the next president. You could same thing about the Democratic primaries. Hillary received more of the popular vote, and only if you include the caucuses does Obama win. Yeah there was that Michigan and Florida thing (I think we should not let Florida participate in any elections) but even if you wipe out those states Hillary still had more of the vote. So were the primaries fair? Not in my eyes. Yes I preferred Hillary over Obama, and I  wanted her to ask him to be her running mate. Don’t get me wrong, I support Obama now that he is the nominee, but I just have this feeling that we don’t count as voters anymore and the delegates act like they know better then us. Really, how did that GW thing work out? I think it is time to ditch the delegate and caucus systems, they suck.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Did Hillary really lose? Or did we?”
  1. Yes, Hillary lost and so did we. I have always considered myself to be a loyal democrat, but after this mess not anymore. I will vote for John McCain just to send a message. Why? Not because I support Hillary and Obama scares me more than GW, but instead because the whole election process both primary and general is illegal and in my opinion violates our constitutional rights. What makes a SUPER DELAGATE so special that one individual person deserves that kind of power? Elections are about the will of the people, not some group of elitists who can override the citizens of our great nation. The primary election process for both republicans and democrats need to be uniform (the same for both). No changes or modifications for the convenience of a few. It is my feeling that we should send a strong message to our government and elect an independent candidate. The only way that we as citizens will ever get our government to listen is if we stand united on this matter.

  2. I felt Hillary was the better candidate, but now that Obama is the the nominee I can support him. I think that McSame is 100 times the man GW Bush is, but I still think he is delusional, and won’t vote for him. There are some things that worry me about Obama, but I can get past those things considering he will probably have one of the most remarkable cabinets in the history of our country. If he listens to his advisors, he will do fine.

  3. This is the first time in a long time that I really don’t care which of the final two candidates wins. Had Hillary gotten the nomination, I’d be volunteering for McCain’s campaign.
    I have to agree that Obama’s cabinet will probably be the better of the two. The democrats have a lot of really good people for the positions needed – a few of them were presidential candidates earlier this year.
    McCain would likely have people of the same mindset as Bush’s cabinet. The only one I’d recommend keeping around is Condi Rice. She’s way too smart not to be part of the cabinet. Sure you can bring up the “Bin Laden determined to attack inside US” memo, but really – how many terrorists share the same determination? A lot. It would also be nice to see Colin Powell back in the cabinet too. I think he rubbed the neocons the wrong way.

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