By l3wis

9 thoughts on “FISA=1984”
  1. Jackie-

    Thanks for posting that stuff. The strangebefellows link isn’t working very good though, it requires a login.

  2. Detroit,
    I found out about this movement after seeing an interview with the Ralph Nader of the GOP on the Firedog Lake blog:

    That also links you up to the strangebedfellows page.

    I’ve gotten some phone calls and e-mails from Sen. Johnson’s office and flat out said, “I will not contribute $$$ or volunteer if he votes for the immunity of telecoms.” I’ll wait until the vote (He voted for immunity before, so I’m not hopeful) that is where I may be putting money I would send in for campaign contributions.

    If our Senators can croon about the Second Amendment with guns and how it’s Constitutional — you’d think they’d do the right thing regarding our Fourth Amendment, right???

  3. Our Govt. was breaking the law by asking or strong arming the telecoms. The way I view this is it’s more Pres. Bush and thugs getting by with more crimes, more Impeachable offenses and their way of getting a vote on “Get Out Of Jail Free”.

  4. I tried to find a link, but no such luck, Tom Tommorrow who does the strip This Modern World did a great toon in Funny Times this month about Bush being convicted of his crimes after he gets out of office and he is put in the witness protection program where he gets a job as a manager at Home De(s)pot. It is hilarious.

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