I’m going to start something new on SouthDacola. The Guy Smylie Post of the day, it will have nothing to do with anything. Apparently that is what Smylie likes, so we will give it to him. This is a picture I took this morning by Paisley Park (not the one Prince records albums at). I finally got a picture of a deer. Now if I can just find that wild turkey again.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Guy Smylie Post of the Day”
  1. I think you mean Pasley Park. Max Pasley was the rich guy around here before Sanford swaggered into town… You can almost see his house from where you took this pic… its the one that makes me want to puke when I see it.

  2. Mr. Mickey D’s himself. I guess his son was a draft dodger from Vietnam, and Max gave him a bunch of dough to start Mickey D’s in Canada. That’s the rumor anyway.

  3. Yes, It is Pasley. Unless there’s some new park I’m not aware of?
    I’m sure he probably dodged the draft, like you dodge work.

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