The Gargoyle Leader was at it again in yesterday’s paper, hyping up how ‘regular’ the event center task force is. Please. Stick to writing satire, Billiam Janklow needs something to do. I have stated several times that the tax code must change in our state before the EC funding is even possible, and we must show there is a ‘need’ by attending and booking the current facilities we have, otherwise we are just spinning our wheels.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Lay it on thick”
  1. None of the “regular” people I know got onto the taskforce – out of at least ten that applied. I wish I could find out how many people total applied. There couldn’t have been too many. I think of the people on the taskforce, only maybe two or three were “regular folks”.
    I just hope Dan Scott’s now famous comment doesn’t derail any attempt to change the tax structure on the state level.

  2. The paper said 130 applied and they interviewed some of them, Dave Syverson applied and was quoted as being disappointed he didn’t get on, but that’s fine, I’m usre he will still get the floor tiling contract when they build the place.

  3. They seem stuck on their current location as the only location too.
    Dave’s not so much concerned that they build the EC, he seems more concerned about where they build it. That it will be built eventually is a forgone conclusion – even if the bluehairs and angry little men vote Staggers in as mayor.
    He probably has a better chance of getting the tile contract if he’s not on the task force.

  4. Gotta convince Pierre first, and that’s gonna be a Hell of a fight. Maybe De could challenge them in a Chess tournament? I heard that’s one thing she is good at.

  5. I don’t know about De, but her son can kick anyone’s ass at chess.
    We need a truly progressive mayor and governor who can stand up to the hick legislators who’ll undoubtably hold up any tax overhaul.
    This thing’s a good five years (at least) from being built, so we have time to get everything done.

  6. It will be just another wasted planning expense like the REC center and indoor pool, that ultimately got whittled down to an outdoor pool once the citizens saw the pricetag. That’s why funding needs to be determined and approved by the voters before we start talking EC.

  7. The funding method, not the amount, needs to be determined. Let them come up with the method and a good plan for the facility, then let people decide.

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