
Barry’s daughters will attend Sidwell Friends private school.

It is an incredible skool.

But I wonder if conservatives heads will explode, because Quakers are Pacifists, and Gawd forbid the Obama girls learn about peace, understanding and diplomacy.

As I have said before, I don’t agree with Obama on everything, but I do agree with one thing; WAR SUCKS.

Talk to your enemy first.

By l3wis

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14 thoughts on “Obama girls to learn about Diplomacy”

    You got that right. I’ve been posting for a long time on another forum. The biggest thing I’ve learned over the past eight years? A quote from this guy.

    “Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear – kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor – with the cry of grave national emergency.”

    ~General Douglas MacArthur

    Thanks for a refreshing blog l3wis. I’ve got to start spending more time here. Your cartoons and perspective are what we need more of. I’ve been here before, and today is the first time I’ve spent any real time digging around in your archives. I see other readers also have occasionally started their own topic. What if I wanted to post an entry on say….an Events Center downtown that seems to resurface every 6 months? How do I do it?

    And how do you use this stuff?

    XHTML: You can use these tags:

  2. I’m glad you like the site. It has taken awhile to get it to where it is at. I originally started it to get SD newspapers interested in my work, but they seem to be more interested in their own demise then anything. I have about 5,000 individual computer users who read my site and several more at my link on KELO’s site.

    They have announced some changes over there that I think will significantly increase my traffic, which is good. It seems they are borrowing a page from CNN’s Jack Cafferty and his blog, so it will be exciting.

    Like Todd Snider said on his latest album, “I don’t give my opinion to change people’s minds, I give it to ease my own.” I like that statement.

    If you are interested in contributing, shoot me an email and we will discuss further;


  3. I tried the KELO forum a couple years ago. Didn’t really care for it then. What have they done to make it better, and where is your link at their site? A page from Jack Cafferty? Could you explain?

    And Todd Snider? Agree with that 100%

  4. This is on there main page;


    But I’m glad you found my site by yourself! I’d be curious how you found it?

    Jack Cafferty has a blog and works for CNN. He asks questions to the public and he reads the answers on Wolf Blitzer’s situation room. KELO is considering mentioning the political blogs on air, which could be very cool. I think in preparation for the legislative session and the Obama transition of power. I think more people in the MSM are realizing that blogs have some influence, and they can no longer ignore them. Yes, they are opinions on blogs, but usually they are opinions based on facts and the news.

    Todd Snider is an alt-country singer, pretty cool stuff. He has played SF a few times. He is a regular on the Bob and Tom show and is most famous for the song ‘Beer Run’ on there.

    I like his album ‘East Nashville Skyline’ and the song about Mike Tyson – good shit.


  5. How did I find you? To tell you the truth, I don’t rightly recall anymore. But I believe it went something like this. Your political cartoons used to be shown once in a while in the Argus. Some real classics. I remember the one about Jodi Schwan and the tin cans with strings. CLASSIC. Anyway…I think you and I used to kind of tag team together on the old Argus forum on issues like the Events Center, Drake Springs Pool, city sales tax, stuff like that. I was Poly43. You were Detroit Lewis/Great Pumpkin. I might be wrong about that, but I think you let the cat out of the bag a few times who you were. I apologize if I am wrong. Then you just up and disappeared from the forums, and your cartoons from the editorial pages. So me, kinda feeling like I’d lost a brother, googled your name one day and this site popped up as the first hit. Came here once in a while to see what real editorial cartoons should look like. I even had to do a cut and paste one day on your cartoon that showed the line of people getting plates winding on down past the Falls and put it on the Argus forum. Had a blowback of coke onto my keyboard over that one. It was that good. Hope I didn’t do anything wrong as far as copyright stuff goes. I did put your website link with it. Is that OK?

    The KELO forum? I logged on a couple of years ago and started a thread about this city’s redlight camera, and a safety issue I have with it. I logged back on a couple days later and it was gone. Started one other thread about the race horse Eight Belles who was put down on the track as she broke both front her legs. That stuff happens a lot more than what we are led to believe. The next day, that thread was also gone. I don’t like thought police and memory holes. Maybe I’ve read 1984 one too many times. The Argus is getting the same way. Has KELO changed their policy any in the last several months?

    And the Todd Snider comment. I was agreeing wholeheartedly with this statement.

    “I don’t give my opinion to change people’s minds, I give it to ease my own.”

    That would pretty much describe me. And your comment,

    “I think more people in the MSM are realizing that blogs have some influence, and they can no longer ignore them. Yes, they are opinions on blogs, but usually they are opinions based on facts and the news.”

    Right on brother. You have hit the nail squarely on the head. I find blogs, at least the ones I go to, are several days ahead of the curve, sometimes weeks ahead of the MSM. I am very much against the war in Iraq, and find Juan Coles “Informed Comment” blog to be way ahead of the curve on matters concerning the middle east. I have linked to his pages in the past and get ridiculed by apologists for the war because they believe it is nothing but opinion and or lies. What they fail to accept is those opinions are backed with embedded links to credible news sources.

    Well, I’m rambling again. Just wanted you to know I like your site. Just getting used to navigating thru it tho. How would I find an archive of all your cartoons? Like say the two I mentioned earlier?

  6. I didn’t do the Tin Can toon of Jodi, I think that was FolkArts, but still good anyway.

    I have noticed that about KELO to. We moderate our own comments over there and I don’t delete unless they are cursing a lot. There is a lot of conservatives over there, and not smart ones. At least DWC and the AL forums have a couple of people from the right that can make good arguments, but very few.

    KELO does act like babies sometimes. They have deleted posts because I was directly involved with something. Which I found odd, considering we don’t get paid to be on that site, and it costs them NOTHING to have us there. Opinions are Opinions, that’s it. As Frank Zappa said once while debating Bob Novak on a political talk show about censoring music, “They are just words, they can’t hurt anyone.”

    As for the AL we had a falling out, basically because I tell it like it is and don’t feel the need to kiss their ass. They play games over there, especially the page editors, I’m not into that.

    If you go to blog page 162(?) I think that is the first page on my blog, then go forward you can see all my toons. They are all on this site. I think I have done over 500 since I started cartooning in 2006.


  7. We should have Warren over to our next South Dacola fest if he wants to contribute. I think he and I owe each other a beer over some bets we made about college football.
    He’s certainly opinionated enough to qualify, we just have to snarkify him to fit this blog. A few beers might help the process along.

  8. Snarkify to fit this blog? Dude! Dude? I thought you knew me better than that. Snarky means being critical in an annoying, sarcastic, grumpy, wisecracking, or cynical sort of way. I think I qualify on all those counts. So do I have to e-mail you l3wis with a resume of all my past forum activity? Maybe a sampling of my past work? Go look at my “Jeopardy” thread on the Angus board. Proof positive that I can be snarky as hell. Anyway, I’m kinda startin to like it here already. I can post a dreaded word like poopeyfaced without modifying it like this. p*****faced.

    BTW. Do you memory hole stuff here? Cuz if you do, I’m gone.

  9. Warren, just remember not to use the ‘C’ word unless you use the ‘T’ word in front of it;

    EX; John McCain called his wife a T*****p C**t.

  10. “WE” drink taps? “WE” do? Tell me. Is this social gathering kind of like belonging to a secret club or something? Do you guys have like a secret handshake or password to know to get to be able to open a thread here? I’ve read all the David Baldacci Camel Club series of books. I like em all. Maybe I’ll like this club stuff. Any of you drink liberally on Friday afternoons at Shenannigans?

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