I rode my bike around District 15 yesterday, just to see what sign placement was like. Very interesting. Some middle-class homes had Kirshman/Vanderlinde signs. Lower income homes had Vanderlinde signs and Higher income historical homes had Madigan signs. The District is literally like a box of chocolates. You’ll have a gigantic historical home next to a house that looks abandon. Weird.

Here are my predictions for tommorrow’s primaries:

Pekas – County Commission
Vanderlinde, Kirshman – District 15 House (I’m even going to give a majority of the vote to Vanderlinde)
Pat Powers – District 7 Senate
Clinton – Presidential Dem Nominee

Ron Paul – Winner of the wackiest followers since LaRouche

I haven’t dug deep enough in the other races to really make any more predictions.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “The Circus is in Town – District 15”
  1. u r wrong little man. clinton will not win in south dakota. i’ll put money on it.

  2. It really depends on who shows up to vote. If more younger (under 45), educated, urban people show up – Obama wins.
    If the bluehairs and “bitter” rural voters are the big turnout, Hillary wins.

  3. It’ll be interesting to see how many Rondroids (or Paultards) actually show up to vote – ’cause the polling station is where “they” set up their mind-reading computers, ya know.

  4. I wonder how many votes Huck will get from people who “share his values”.

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