Tom played last night in St. Louis. A couple of my friends went to the show and I got a message on my phone before the show started that they will try to get some pictures. I will post them here. YEAH!

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Tom Waits in St. Louis”
  1. Why are you and Editorial Blog? You’re views are Pre-Sophmoric and you put anything and everything on this site.

  2. I stopped posting on my other site because I wanted to post only on one site. So I write about music, art, etc. I don’t belong to a political party and I sure as f’ck don’t follow a particular political movement, so I’m not sure why you have such a problem with it. Do you own my domain and server space now? But from reading your posts I have gathered you are a sheep who never likes to break the rules or think out of the box, so your post doesn’t surprise me.

    As for Mr. Waits being ‘Anything’ I would like to disagree. He is one of the most influential songwriters of our era. Once influenced by Bob Dylan, he puts him to shame now. You should listen to some of his stuff, it might enlighten you. Sometimes being Pre-Sophmoric is good for your soul. You should laugh once in awhile, Jesus will love you more for it.

  3. Yes, I stand for things. But, I don’t need to break rules to create. And the rules I do break don’t hurt people, like abortion for example. Working within the box is more creative than leaving the box because you can’t handle what’s there.
    I didn’t say Tom Waits wasn’t any good. I just said for an editorial post it’s weak! You probably saw him in one of his movies and found out he sang. Then started to listen to him and got aroused. Pre-Sophmoric at best.

  4. “Yes, I stand for things. But, I don’t need to break rules to create.” That is what I call a hack, not an artist. Great art is created through breaking rules. Just imagine if Caravaggio never broke any ‘rules’ of art, we would have never known who he was.

    Who says I am pro-abortion? I am personally against abortion, but I know unlike yourself that the best way to end the procedure is through education not legislation.

    I first heard Waits in 1993 when I was a DJ on a college radio, didn’t like him until one of my older friends introduced me to his 70’s and 80’s stuff. Ironically we are still dear friends to this day because of the Waits connection. The only movie appearance I have seen him in was ‘The Outsiders’ which is about a 4 second spot. If you get arroused by his acting, maybe the next time you see him you should grab a bottle of lotion and head for the John. Of course you probably don’t engage in such Pre-sophmoric activities.

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