Jay from the Gargoyle Leader pointed out this reader blog post.

I found it interesting, because it reminded me of an argument I got into with one of my freelance clients. He tried to tell me that graphic designers/artists charge too much money for their services, and I told him to be careful what he said, the printing industry would not exist without designers. He didn’t seem to get it, but of course, he did vote for GW Bush, twice.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “What is Art?”
  1. Out of curiousity, think that client complains when the plumber comes to their house? Tries to negotiate their car being serviced? Whines about the price when they need to get their lawn sprinklers blown out at the end of the season?

    I think they need to consider the time, training, psychiatry/marketing know-how that the graphic artist brings to the product or ad and the investment it will make to future sales. (Though, their product and service also need generate the sales as well.)

  2. Jackie, I think this discussion could go on forever. The real argument is that graphic designers (and SOME artists) are professionals. I know that it is hard for some folk to grasp, but there is truly some amazing artists out there that were gigantic professionals before they made it big. Andy Warhol and Shepard Fairey come to mind as very successful graphic designers before they made it as artists.

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