Photo from Sioux Empire Arts Council
A few years ago this MURAL showed up on the side of the Horsebarn Arts Center in Falls Park. It was done by Eyob Mergia. I like the mural and think it is a nice edition to the park. I don’t think it looks quite right on an historical building, but either way, still a nice touch. When it was first put up the word from the SEAC was that it was TEMPORARY. Later it was found out that was not true at all. One my artist friends here in town was concerned how the mural got there, because everything should be approved/recommended by the Visual Arts Commission, then voted on by City Council. They did not approve it (much like the fiasco over the Mayor’s plaque that still is ILLEGALLY placed in the entrance of Falls Park Drive). It was determined that Mike Cooper (who was head of the Parks Dept at the time) approved the mural. So when the VAC, SEAC and the City was asked how Mike had the authority to approve the mural without recommendation from the VAC and the City Council, they backtracked on their answer. Instead of admitting guilt, and going thru the approval process the city and VAC claimed it was a large PAINTING and did not have to go thru the approval process. They claimed that since it was not directly painted on the building that it was not a mural, but according to the definition of a mural is clear:
1. | a large picture painted or affixed directly on a wall or ceiling. |
They claimed that it was FREE-STANDING and not affixed to the building. Well guess what, they lied.
Friday afternoon I was out riding my bike and noticed the mural was taken down, but the studs it was affixed to were still up, and guess what, the studs were bolted to the foundation and nailed to the soffet overhang on the roof. That would mean it was AFFIXED. I guess they are cleaning all the birds nests from the studs and that is why the mural was taked down, not sure if they are putting it back up, but if they do, I suggest they get it approved from the VAC or maybe they could get King Dave to put it back up in the middle of the night like he did with his plaque.
you need to get a hobby
affixed or not, the building looks better with the mural.
I agree 100%, but ALL art must go through an approval process. Period.