South DaCola

Buck Up Barack!

As Todd points out in his latest post, I knew this day was inevitable. One of the reasons I supported Billary over Obama was because I knew she probably wouldn’t change much on her positions once winning the nomination (That and my cigar smoking sex addict ex-president buddy didn’t like Obama). I had a gut feeling about Obama. I think it came to me when he didn’t defend Rev. Wright’s statements that were truth to the power, or maybe it came to me when he called Sioux Falls, Sioux City. I have always felt he was full of hot air, and this week his balloon was rising so fast I thought it would go out of the stratosphere. Support Faith Based charities with my tax dollars? Change your position on the Iraq war (who are you, Tom Daschle)? As Todd points out Barack is aiming for the middle, but I don’t think he knows where the middle is [I’ll give you a clue; it does not exist]. It has been noted that Indies like myself will decide this election, not Republicans, not Democrats. For once the parties will be on the sidelines. People (Indies) in America have seen the failures of GW Bush and his Republican policies. They like the guy who was running in the primaries, not this new slick Barack who gets whiter by the day. It’s pretty obvious that Dems won’t vote for McSame and even more obvious that Indies won’t either. What are you afraid of Barack? Losing 26% of the hard-core neo-con vote? F’ck em’ they ain’t worth chasing. Even though the media buried Dean’s prospects (bastards at ABC) I supported him for one good reason, he never wavered. Keep changing your positions Barack, and you will end up like John Kerry, to close to call. Stick to your ideals, and the straight talk express will be laying in the ditch come November. Stop being a pussy and open those big ears of yours and start listening to the people of this nation, not David Axelrod or Tom Daschle, real people who have seen the disastrous road Dick and George have lead us down. We know it is too late for Stephanie Herseth-Sandals Resort (who I am convinced is a Republican now) but it is not too late for you. Buck up!

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