Okay, I went there … but first want to add that if one rages in the cage, lay down plenty of paper to line the cage.
I find it interesting that some that loudly proclaim their commentary just cannot seem to handle hearing anyone’s counter commentary. One shouldn’t tolerate or allow profanity or out of line stuff and I can understand that, but to proclaim something and not allow diverse or opposing ideas? Well, that’s just cowardice.
I’m thinking about the Aberdeen prof on the KELO area as well … there’s a “comment” area that doesn’t actually accept comments.
It’d be a fun theme for someone to initiate a blog basically highlighting the rather controversial or downright wrong posts of “comment chickens” and then allow people to post. I’ve got a link I’d love to post for Greg to enlighten him on all of McCain’s gaffes.
Greg is funny, because he contradicts himself all the time (wait a minute, I do that to) so anybody who listens to that show and takes what he sez for gospel are just as nutty as those Bill O’ and RUSH fans.
I like Greg as a person, but I don’t listen to his show. I cannot stand listening to talk radio — I’d go bonkers if I had to be cooped up in a station and listening to that propaganda all day. I think I’d lose hope in all humanity, actually.
That said, it’s just a pet peeve of mine when opinionated blogs don’t allow comments. I can understand moderation, etc. But to not allow others to comment or allow a voice or to banter, eh, it’s cowardly.
Okay, I went there … but first want to add that if one rages in the cage, lay down plenty of paper to line the cage.
I find it interesting that some that loudly proclaim their commentary just cannot seem to handle hearing anyone’s counter commentary. One shouldn’t tolerate or allow profanity or out of line stuff and I can understand that, but to proclaim something and not allow diverse or opposing ideas? Well, that’s just cowardice.
I’m thinking about the Aberdeen prof on the KELO area as well … there’s a “comment” area that doesn’t actually accept comments.
It’d be a fun theme for someone to initiate a blog basically highlighting the rather controversial or downright wrong posts of “comment chickens” and then allow people to post. I’ve got a link I’d love to post for Greg to enlighten him on all of McCain’s gaffes.
Greg is funny, because he contradicts himself all the time (wait a minute, I do that to) so anybody who listens to that show and takes what he sez for gospel are just as nutty as those Bill O’ and RUSH fans.
I like Greg as a person, but I don’t listen to his show. I cannot stand listening to talk radio — I’d go bonkers if I had to be cooped up in a station and listening to that propaganda all day. I think I’d lose hope in all humanity, actually.
That said, it’s just a pet peeve of mine when opinionated blogs don’t allow comments. I can understand moderation, etc. But to not allow others to comment or allow a voice or to banter, eh, it’s cowardly.