Painting by Peter Max

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Happy Independence Day! FREE Pork sandwiches here I come!”
  1. As Colbert calls it ‘Spicy Mayo’.

    BTW Jackrabbit, I noticed you might make it to the blogger pick-a-nik. The Hell with a traveler bottle, if I have to hang out with mostly Republicans and God-fearing Dems all day, were gonna need a half-gallon of mother’s milk.

  2. If you’re gettin’ free pork. You might be hanging around more hobos and re-up politicians. Most republicans are hanging around those friends and family they don’t have time to see when they’re workin’.

    Then, iffn’ you can’t stand bein’ around Republicans and such all day. You best be gettin’ the whole gallon. You can’t afford to hide being the slackers you are.

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