This is a great video/story CNN did about Hyperion. When they went to go question spokesperson Preston ‘Cabbage Patch Doll’ he told them not to meet in his office (which only occupies one floor in a building) but to meet with the reporter in a park. Huh? This refinery is a joke, never happen. The funny part about it was the fact I learned more about Hyperion in this short video then I have in all the BJ stories our local media has done about them. Something fishy is going on, that’s for sure.

2 Thoughts on “Hyperion’s Headquarters in Texas; a park

  1. Gus/Russ on July 16, 2008 at 9:47 pm said:

    ‘Bout time the national media picked up on this, unless I missed something earlier – thanks for sharing the “mystery” of it all – might make a good book some day (if it all didn’t smell so rotten)

  2. Why in the world would an investor consider this project? And I don’t know who would get hooked up with the likes of Hyperion. Albert Huddleston even has a lawsuit against him from his own VP and CFO saying this whole project is a “dumb idea” and “misguided.”

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