I watched another episode of ‘The Facts’ yesterday on KCPO TV. FolkArts wasn’t hosting the show this week, but I was a little disappointed in the current host and his one guest, DR(?) Allen Unruh. He basically let him rant his BS for about 15 minutes w/o even questioning him once, and where was someone from the other side of the position? Seriously. I have noticed this show has really become a mouthpiece for the SD GOP and some of it’s extremists, like Unruh. How about a couple of Dems or at least some indies from time to time. You call this show the FACTS, but you don’t allow both sides of the issue. What a joke.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “KCPO program ‘THE FACTS’ GOP mouthpiece?”
  1. We caught the last ten minutes of it, and it was like watching a house burn. Couldn’t look away. The guy is seriously creepy.. and then picture it with it’s other half… ewwww….

    I agree it should have presented both sides of the issue instead of letting him rant about values and the definition of what is human. Using the argument that at one point in history “you weren’t considered human if you were black”. What? He should turn that mirror around and see whats sleeping right over his shoulder every night… again…. ewwww…..

  2. He really is a D-Bag. I think what I can’t stand the most about the Unruh’s is their attitude they know better then everyone else, yet Leslee pays here salary from federal funds and she had an abortion herself. They really make me ill.

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