Today they had on ANOTHER mouthpiece from the Anti-choice, morality police movement; Pastor Steve Hickey. Oh, but hey, they got a FAX from Planned Parenthood, because you know, a FAX can debate against Pastor who is allowed to spew whatever for 25 minutes.

You can also see more anti-choice rants here.

C’mon, this is really bad journalism, really bad.

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “KCPO – The FACTS; The Anti-Choice show”
  1. You should have your own cable debate forum on KCPO. Close your eyes and picture it with me…. I think there would have to be an open bar.

  2. I would love to have on Rev. Hickey, Allen and Leslee all at once, trust me, I would ask REAL questions and not let them spew for 30 minutes about their ideology.

    First question “Allen, why do you refer to yourself as a Medical Doctor when you are a Quacktorpractor? Isn’t that misleading? and BTW, what does back cracking have to do with obsetrics? Seriously?

    Leslee, how come you draw two salaries for two separate non-profits, how can you work for both places at the same time? Isn’t that against tax laws?

    Reverend Hickey, aren’t you supposed to be guinding people on faith not what is and isn’t constitutional? How can you receive a salary from a church that has a non-profit status when you are lobbying for abortion legislation on TV? Doesn’t that go against your non profit status?

    questions like that would get the hypocrites wound up, I betcha I could get another 30 minutes of spew after asking those questions.

  3. And furthermore if you say abortion is a religious issue why are you using the state’s legislative and judicial branch to push your RELIGIOUS agenda? Ever heard of separation of church and state? Do you want to challenge the constitution on that front to? Don’t we live in a democracy, not a theocracy? If you like that form of government so much, why don’t you move to middle east?

  4. DL, you forget that most of our elected officials are god fearing x-tians who tithe and attend church (almost) every Sunday. It behooves them to listen to what nut jobs like the Rev over here are saying, because chances are it will make them more electable next time around.

    It is easy for Rev Hickey to prey on the minds of the weak willed masses by stating that abortion is a religious issue. They are able to skew all the facts they want by basing their entire argument on an outdated belief system founded in hearsay and myth.

    Heaven forbid (pun intended) we would form an intelligent opinion based on scientific data and actual facts.

  5. Here’s another fun little tidbit.

    I noticed that the Rev’s URL was for Voices Carry was a hit song from 1985 by the band ‘Til Tuesday. Their singer is Aimee Mann, who in 1998, played the female German nihilist in the The Big Lebowski. I think that’s funny.


    Now THAT is funny.

    I guess the neocons don’t use the Googles before they generate their x-tian blog names.


  7. You know, I saw that particular episode of Jason Folkart’s hit show, The Facts, a few Sundays ago featuring Pastor Steve Hickey of the Church of the Late Gate, and it was excellent. Thank you, pastor, as we always need continous guidance from spiritual folks like you on what women do with their mental and physical baby-making property that God has so graciously given to them, and what the government should be regulating and controlling so that these women become healthier. I learned of a lot of good information on stopping abortion, like about the alpha center, abstinence clearing house,, planned,, etc. I am going to pass this information on to my neice Nellie as she was recently overheard by my Uncle Rusty (as Nellie told to my Aunt Bertha) as stating she has a “bun in the oven” – which I guess means more than actually cooking supper. She states that her boyfriend, Pete Schwetty, and her have an “issue” that needs to be taken care of. If it is true that Nellie is indeed expecting, then I am going to tell Nellie (and Pete, when he comes back from Law school) to call Pator Steve – because he told Jason’s TV program viewers to call him by phone for guidance if anyone has a “crisis pregnancy.” Nellie (and many of her friends) are probably in crisis, as they don’t know much about sexual-nature stuff at all. I couldn’t find his residential phone number in the phone book, but the church phone is 357-8136. By the way, Jason F. looks like he has gained some weight – he must be drawing a lot of new great cartoons for the Argus and hasn’t been able to get much exercise and his hair is turning grey due to his cartoons and his stressful, ardous missionary work. Go Jason Folkarts, Go Dr. Unruhhg, and Go Go Pastor Steve!!! Thanks in your leading efforts in managing this affliction in so many women…

    Sincerely, EggBert

  8. Are a women, SDcolapop? I think he only meant to call him if/when women have a pregnancy crisis. Don’t be fecetious! You can’t call Pastor Steve regards to your birthing processes. You think you are funny, but (as my niece Nellie’s boyfriend, Pete Schwetty, always says)- YOUR’E really just SNOT!!!!

    Sincerely, EggBert T.

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