Senator John McCain is scheduled to appear at the Buffalo Chip on Monday, August 4th, just before performances by Kelly Pickler and Kid Rock.
I wonder if he’ll take questions from topless girls in ass-less-chaps?
you can’t be topless in sturgis anymore, even at the buffalo chip, it’s against the law and the law no longer looks the other way.
they handcuff you and take you to the atm so you can withdraw your bail amount then take you to the pokey to pay your fine. after that you can go back to hanging out with sweaty people trying to look cool.
I think he prefers questions from trollop c**ts
LOL I’m sure he doesn’t discriminate based on pants or lack thereof! It’s so funny/random that he’ll be there. Does he have any connections to the biker scene or something? I confess I’m pretty new to motorcycle culture; I just started working as a brand ambassador for Progressive motorcycle insurance, and since then I’ve become really interested in it. We’re actually going to be at Sturgis, which is awesome! We’ll be giving away free shirts at our booth at Thunder Road, plus having a drawing to win a custom Sucker Punch Sally’s motorcycle. It’s beautiful, kind of old school. The shirts are also really nice, exclusive to Sturgis and absolutely free. If you want to pick one up while you’re there, you just go to ahead of time to download the coupon, then come by our booth to drop it off and say hi! Be sure to bring the coupon though; we can only give you a free shirt if you have one. We’re going to have other cool giveaways too, so it should be a fun time.
I hope I haven’t overstepped my bounds by leaving this comment, I’m just trying to get the word out
If you have any questions or want more information feel free to shoot me an Email:
See you at Thunder Road, and ride safe!
Leah Druska
Brand Ambassador
That’s OKAY Leah, you can sell insurance here, just not McSame buttons.
Interesting this comes out the same day his ad critical of Obama, likening him to a celebrity.
Pander Bear now wants to get in good with bikers….
p.s. for anyone going:
take lots and lots of informal pictures. LOTS. I’m hoping there are some real gems that come out of this.
Yeah … right. NOW we’ve “won”! Isn’t that amazing???
I’m wondering what kind of a reception old fifth-from-the-bottom-of-his-class will get.
Oh yeah, they’ll be claiming VICTORY in Iraq come October to disclaim Obama, but unfortunately the economy is more important to Americans then the war. Pack it up John.