This whole flap over who has the best military experience to be president really has been bothering me. So let’s go over 3 presidential candidates experience and see who has the best,

Wesley Kanne Clark (born December 23, 1944) is a retired General of the United States Army. Clark was valedictorian of his class at West Point, was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford where he obtained a degree in PPE (Philosophy, Politics & Economics), and later graduated from the Command and General Staff College with a master’s degree in military science. He spent 34 years in the Army and the Department of Defense, receiving many military decorations, several honorary knighthoods, and a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Clark commanded Operation Allied Force in the Kosovo War during his term as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000.

George Stanley McGovern volunteered for the United States Army Air Forces during World War II and served as a B-24 Liberator bomber pilot in the Fifteenth Air Force, flying 35 missions over enemy territory from bases in North Africa and later Italy, often against heavy anti-aircraft artillery, earning the Distinguished Flying Cross for saving his crew by landing his damaged bomber on a British airfield on Vis, a small island off the Yugoslav coast controlled by Tito’s Partisans. McGovern’s wartime story, including his island landing, is at the center of Stephen Ambrose’s profile of the men who flew B-24s over Germany in World War II, The Wild Blue.[2]

John Sidney McCain III  graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1958 (194th in his class out of 199) and became a naval aviator, flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers. During the Vietnam War, he nearly lost his life in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire. Later that year while on a bombing mission over North Vietnam, he was shot down, badly injured, and captured as a prisoner of war by the North Vietnamese. He was held from 1967 to 1973, experiencing episodes of torture and refusing an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer; his war wounds would leave him with lifelong physical limitations. He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and, moving to Arizona

So when Wesley Clark says McCain’s military service doesn’t qualify him to be president, I think he hits the nail on the head. Because if you think about it, the first two candidates lost their presidential bids and McCain’s miltary service PALES in comparison to theirs.

By l3wis

29 thoughts on “Who has the best Military service to be president, you decide.”
  1. Outstanding post Lewis. I really didn’t see anything that Clark said that was uncorrect or out of line.

    Side note: McCain gets visably angry
    with an ABC journalist. McCain isn’t the kind of guy I really want sitting around close to the shiny red “launch nukes” button.

  2. ‘What about our last two presidents?’

    I think that is what is so poignant about Clark’s statement, military service DOES NOT matter. Clinton had excellent military advisors, including General Clark, he trusted them to give him good advice. When Bush’s advisors give him good advice, he fires them.

    McCain is gonna lose, and lose big.

  3. Great link Jackie. I love how McCain keeps burying himself with his own statements.

  4. McCain is the only one running for president.
    Don’t show Obamas military record.

    Here it is. I’ll put it in quotes for you.

    There ya go!
    You’re Welcome!

  5. Guy’s point is …???????

    Give me a leader, not a puppet — like what we’ve had the past 7.75 years.

    I opt that the next time Guy needs surgery — he get anyone that has served on the military, esp. a tortured guy. That’s all the qualifications needed, right?

    I’d rather have a leader that can THINK, can be diplomatic, can work with the world as opposed to another guy catering to the corporations and keepin’ on the same ol’ fascist route, like Gov. Bush. (As Carlin noted, Gov. was his last elected office, so that is his official title.)

    BTW — McCain, in true “I own the press” fashion has appointed seats on his plane for the press— but only if they’ll publish the favorable stuff. Guess we won’t read about him calling his wife the “C” word or a trollup, or read about his angry outbursts.

  6. I don’t think Cindy McCain is very ‘Cute’

    I wonder if Guy Smylie is Jason FolkArts twin brother, they seem to have the same grasp on political topics.

  7. Looks like the same crowd that will be lining up for the free pork sandwiches at Falls Park after the parade.

  8. So, the post is no longer about Presidential candidates’ Military Service record?? I didn’t where the change took place.(the point is you’re trying to compare opponents that aren’t running, just like President Bush)
    I still haven’t seen any sources for the “C” word alligation. Or will I laugh???

    At the very least McCain has experience, where Obama doesn’t have any qualifications at all. WOW!

  9. Oh, Oh, I think I know the answer you’re looking for: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    Am I right, am I right?!?!?!?

  10. Yeah, McSame has experience, in doing the same thing for 30 years and expecting different results. Trust me, Obama wasn’t my first choice, but after GW, anything looks better.

  11. You haven’t looked at GW very well. Get away from Micheal Moore and Tom Brokaw and try again.

  12. The only way I want to see GW is walking away, in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs and headed for prison, having been tried for war crimes.

    Likewise Muppet Man, get away from FAUX News. Best way to get real news is outside of the US through BBC or other sources if you really want to know what is going on. Guy is a tragic example of a critical consumer of what he hears and reads.

  13. I’m starting to wonder if he is being sarcastic? No one is that stupid, except for the people who can’t tell Randall Beck’s satirical columns from his editorial ones.

  14. Jackie Blue,

    “The only way I want to see GW is walking away…” that proves how short sited you are. You take no time to read or listen so why don’t you not write or talk either?

    Because you are a liberal.

    Yeah, Lewis, REALLY desperate!

  15. Woah hos, why does anyone here CARE Who has the best Military Record?

    1. If Obama wins, he doesn’t have one.
    2. If Wesley Clark would have anything to do with the President he wouldn’t DO anything anyway.
    3. McCain would treat the US troops better than Obama would because he’s been one. And you don’t care about the troops until they take off everything Military.

    So, why don’t you work with what you know and leave the REAL issues to the ones paying attention!

  16. “This whole flap over who has the best military experience to be president really has been bothering me. So let’s go over 3 presidential candidates experience and see who has the best,”
    Let’s keep the candidates in the SAME Millenium.

  17. Guy,
    That’s the best you can do? Only liberals? Any patriot that respects the rule of law would want to see the same. Think there are disenfranchised Republicans that don’t approve of Gov. George W. Bush’s administration and the direction he has taken the country.

    Garden variety troll. Yawn.

  18. Oh, are you suggesting that YOU are a patriot?
    I think you have to do SOMETHING, to be considered a patriot!

  19. A patriot is someone who feels patriotism, support for their country.

    and just so you know….

    A troll is a commenter whose sole purpose is to attack the views expressed on a blog and incite a flamewar, for example, a liberal going to a conservative blog, or vice versa. The word trolling means literally ‘to fish’, ie. when the troll fishes for a clashback from the blog writer and/or pro commenters. Many trolls will leave their remarks on multiple posts and continue to visit the blog, sparking spirited debate amongst the blog’s regular readers. Trolls’ verbosity can range from eloquent to crass, although most trolls probably fall into the latter category. Originally, trolling only meant the custom where someone was commenting just to get a flamewar going, by using exaggarated points of view not held by themselves.

  20. Actually, a patriot is someone who sacrifices for their country.

    I’m Sorry you don’t KNOW that.

  21. Here’s another definition for you, moron.

    OBTUSE : lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect

    You should try using Google before you post. You might not look like such an uneducated jackass all the time.

    oh wait… I’m name calling…. he must have gotten to me! I’ve been TROLLED!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!

  22. Hey, My Aunt Bertha and I waited in line for those patriotic Mayor Munson pork sandwiches, and we were for sure much more patriotic than the rest of you that day – and our fine city council members even handed us ice cream sandwiches, which even old, grumpy Uncle Rusty partook in (though he didn’t eat a pork sandwich, muttering something like he wouldn’t eat the Mayor’s food if he was the last man on the Phillips to the Falls Boulevard)- so eat up your other patriotic white meat, ya all!!!

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