I just got back from the SD Blogger pick-a-nik in Madison. One of the topics of conversation on the drive back to SF was who is the hippest person in Sioux Falls? After some thought I decided to pick a girl and a guy.
Cory Gerlach (DJ Absolute – Soulcrate Music)
Alex Johnson (She works Downtown, and is one of the funniest SF person I know)
I picked these two mostly because everybody loves them and they are all around nice, talented people, which I can’t say about myself.
Who would you pick?
Ain’t that just like Sioux Falls people? Go to a meeting out of town and come back trying to determine the hippest people in Sioux Falls of all places. As a country hick, it always seemed to me that the hip in Sioux Falls was mostly attitude without much reality behind it. Slightly bigger frogs in a bigger pond of course.
But of course, I haven’t met either of the two hippest people in Sioux Falls.
I agree, there is many HIP people in SD and SF besides those two. I was just thinking ‘younger’ people who are well liked and respected by their peers. I have another friend who is probably the best guitar player in the state, and no one can even hold a candle to him, so I think he is pretty hip when it comes to musicians.
When I was a kid growing up, there was only one man that ruled Sioux Falls. Capt. 11. –Dave Dedrick. I thought he owned KELO. I think one time when Dan, Dan the Piano man was playing piano bar at Skellys Dave was there singin’ along. Pretty cool.
I nominate him, because I don’t get out much anymore … and if there can be big ol’ bronze statues of Denny Sanford out there, there should be one of Capt. 11, by golly.
I would like to officially nominate Mayor Munson and Council Person De Knudson as the hippest in all of Sioux Falls!!! Why? because they are nice, work hard for the people of Sioux Falls (mostly for the middle, lower, and lowest income bracket citizens). Also, my Aunt Bertha states that she is kind of impressed with Council Person Bob Litz – she says she would like get “pumped up” with him, whatever that means. Uncle Rusty is not too happy with those kind of comments, so he just goes outside on the porch to smoke during those times. He says it helps his stress level. Anyway, keep up the good work, Mayor Dave and Mayor-ess De…
– Eggbert T.
Anybody who twists teenager’s noses for fun is just alright with me.