Okay, Okay, everyone involved with the Initiative 11 debate on both sides is absolutely free game. I’m a big free speech supporter and believe that if you are involved in either campaign you are subject to criticism; hard, brutal, nasty criticism. What I don’t agree with is posting someone’s personal/family information as the voices carry blog did today. It’s low, it’s sneaky, inappropriate, potentially libelous and quite frankly something you would not expect out of someone who preaches the teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s downright hypocritical and I question the moderator’s faith.

We can discuss the issues; when life begins, abortion, women’s rights, religious beliefs, blah, blah, blah. But bringing people’s families into the debate is unjustified because we all know the violence that has been carried out over the years towards people on the prochoice side by extremist fanatics. Many of my family members probably disagree with my stance on Initiative 11. Is it fair to drag them into the debate? NO, it’s unethical and quite frankly IMMORAL.

These kind of tactics are uncalled from Pastor(?) Hickey, and if you want to cheat at the game, let’s play. Cheaters always lose (remember last year?).

4 Thoughts on “A ‘Hickey’ on the neck of the Initiative 11 Debate

  1. Posting an engagement announcement from a public newspaper is dragging peoples family into the debate and immoral? Get real!

  2. l3wis on August 9, 2008 at 5:30 am said:

    Maybe not, but what’s the point? Seriously?! Does it have anything to do with the argument?! No. But, that’s what you guys do best, point out crap that has nothing to do with the issue to avoid the science and the truth.

    Just for once I would like the debate be about the issues.

  3. EggBert on August 10, 2008 at 10:17 am said:

    SDpopola: TSK, TSK, and SHAME on you! Although I agree with the importance of telling the kind and decent folks of SD and the surrounding Sioux Empire area (or whomever wastes precious time reading your ridiculous, far away galaxy leftist anti-rightwinger blog site) about the terrible woman who recently became the Regional Field Director for the South Dakota Campaign for UNHealthy Families, Leslee Stusiak, and her horribly, mis-managed wedding plans, I (and my Aunt Bertha) think it is a low blow in your bringing up that Pastor Steve has a hickey on his neck. That is none of your darn business. What he does with his body is none of your concern. Uncle Rusty once gave one to my Aunt Bertha, and she couldn’t attend church for about 3 months because he sucked so hard. Shame on you! I will pray for you, and hope you start attending more church services, not just dog look-a-like, city-park contests with our beloved Mayor and/or Mayor-ess.

    Sincerely, EggBert T.

  4. l3wis – It’s so uplifting to see a fellow sodak member actually give a shit! thank you so much for starting this site.

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