South DaCola

A ‘Hickey’ on the neck of the Initiative 11 Debate

Okay, Okay, everyone involved with the Initiative 11 debate on both sides is absolutely free game. I’m a big free speech supporter and believe that if you are involved in either campaign you are subject to criticism; hard, brutal, nasty criticism. What I don’t agree with is posting someone’s personal/family information as the voices carry blog did today. It’s low, it’s sneaky, inappropriate, potentially libelous and quite frankly something you would not expect out of someone who preaches the teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s downright hypocritical and I question the moderator’s faith.

We can discuss the issues; when life begins, abortion, women’s rights, religious beliefs, blah, blah, blah. But bringing people’s families into the debate is unjustified because we all know the violence that has been carried out over the years towards people on the prochoice side by extremist fanatics. Many of my family members probably disagree with my stance on Initiative 11. Is it fair to drag them into the debate? NO, it’s unethical and quite frankly IMMORAL.

These kind of tactics are uncalled from Pastor(?) Hickey, and if you want to cheat at the game, let’s play. Cheaters always lose (remember last year?).

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