Hillary Clinton hit a home run for herself and Obama tonight with her speech. Flipping through the channels after the speech I found myself watching Fox news listening to Karl Rove.

“She did a great speech” -Karl Rove

“But Bill Kristol said it wasn’t an endorsement” -Fox News Talking Head

“I don’t agree with that, she hit all the points she needed to” -Karl Rove

I agree with Karl Rove.

The rivers of Hell turn to ice tonight. I’m sure of it.

3 Thoughts on “Hell Freezes Over

  1. Ghost of Dude on August 27, 2008 at 6:52 am said:

    This morning he said it “was a great speech for us (the GOPers) and a great speech for her, but not for Obama”.
    I think she and Billyjeff are out to sabotage the Obama campaign so she can run again before she’s too old. Get ready for Preznit McCain, brought to you by Billary.

  2. Johnny Roastbeef on August 27, 2008 at 7:08 am said:

    Karl probably got an earful for going off message and jumped back.

    Hillary did everything Obama wanted.

  3. The convention has been sleepy so far.

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