17 Thoughts on “Hypocrite?

  1. yeah. everything she says implies that she considered it a “benefit.”

    you seriously amaze me sometimes. i swear you just come up with this so you can recycle that art (admittedly some of your best work)!

  2. I was going to add that she also participated in pre-marital sex and was divorced (even though she teaches abstinence and sanctity of marriage). or I could comment on how she continues to get federal grants that help pay her very large salary so she and the Doctor(?) can enjoy a extravagant lifestyle on the taxpayer’s dime.

    Your right about the recycling, I should have put a big buffalo skin coat on her.

  3. well, at least one of those ideas would be a somewhat new concept. yawn. getting tired of this one.

  4. Maybe I could draw her driving her Lexus with (fake) aborted fetus pictures on the side and her yelling “More Babies!” out the window.

    You should submit some pro-life toons to me, I’ll post them.

  5. i should. i actually DO some stuff for steve, but since he likes your little rendition of him, maybe you’ll beat me out of a job 🙂

    he he.

  6. Hey, Bobbysocks!

    I was going to ask you if you helped with the LIFELIGHT TV commercials this year? I think they are very well done . . . do you know who produced them? I do question the crowd shots though, and of course I would never go to an event I dub as ‘The teenager version of a Promise Keepers convention.’

  7. I know I’m about to sound completely ignorant, but who is this woman?

  8. can I get your toons of nut job Leslee printed on a t-shirt? They are hysterical!

  9. Sarah-

    Use the googles and type in Leslee Unruh, and begin to learn the tale . . .


    Sure, just tell me which ones you like and I will set them up on my merch page.

  10. hosenpheffer on August 14, 2008 at 5:02 am said:

    I have to agree with bobbi, as I don’t think many women benefit from abortion. The 1% who seek abortion Nation-wide, due to rape or insect or the 3% for the health of the mother MIGHT be considered beneficial, but I doubt this decision is ever looked upon as gift.

    It’s curious as to why in 1978 or 1979 Leslee chose Buck Williams as her OBGYN, the ONLY doctor who performed abortions in South Dakota. Was he the ONLY OBGYN in Sioux Falls?

    The biggest problem Leslee has with the campaign is lack of truth. As long as Leslee and Vote Yes only tell “partial truths” it will be more difficult for the ban to pass.

  11. Angry Guy on August 14, 2008 at 6:02 am said:

    I’d like to see her with fetus ear rings and a cigar in her mouth.

  12. Dammit, Angry Guy, IT’S A BABY, NOT A FETUS!!!

  13. don’t you guys think that some of these decisions Leslee made early in life led to her passion for the things she thinks now?

    i think picking buck williams for my doc would probably cause some regret!!!!

    as for lack of truth, it goes both ways. there is no way this is not an ugly ride. i too pray for honesty but i know we probably haven’t seen it yet.

    ps. VVI – marc rassmussen and Vision Video Inc. they do pretty good stuff for LifeLight – won a best of show Addy last spring for a promo video for them.

  14. Vision Video, that makes sense, I heard that the staff is required to participate in morning prayer before they start the workday.

  15. well, they probably participate by choice, but whatever.

  16. Angry Guy on August 14, 2008 at 9:56 am said:

    Trying to “protect” women based on her own personal experience is a sad justification. If having that abortion made her a better person, maybe she should advocate abortions based on the chance that these women will be better people for it. I’d like to see a study done where we find out what percentage of “postabortive” women go on to do great and meaningful things with their lives, compared to the percentage that end up in the nut hut.

  17. Some Dude on August 14, 2008 at 3:48 pm said:

    If nothing else, her re-writing her own history creeps me out. Why not be honest? All lying does is make people wonder what else you’re lying about.

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