6 Thoughts on “I love it when new people move to Sux Falls . . . Suckers!

  1. bobbi on August 8, 2008 at 7:12 am said:

    maybe you should move somewhere new, and you could be naive and positive too!


  2. l3wis on August 8, 2008 at 7:36 am said:

    I actually like the things Gary has to say, but I nearly spit my coffee out when he said this at the budget hearings. Transparency and the Pavilion, gawd, that’s funny. The first thing that came to mind was Paul Schiller’s letter to the editor he wrote about me saying I was a troubled artisan if I think everything should be FAIR and TRANSPARENT. I need to find that letter.

  3. lewis on August 8, 2008 at 7:39 am said:

    Here it is:

    “If that’s not satisfactory, then I suggest if you want absolute clarity in all forms of life, you could partner with the Argus Leader and take on their quest for total transparency in city and state government!”

    All of it here:

  4. bobbi on August 8, 2008 at 8:14 am said:

    no, you don’t need to find the letter. you need to forgive people who upset you and move on.

    seriously. i’m pretty sure you will get a tumor if you keep all of this stuff in you forever.

    i think we all get it though, you are understood. i hope that makes you feel better 🙂

  5. lewis on August 8, 2008 at 8:28 am said:

    That’s just it, it was never about Paul, he made it personal, it was about a POLICY, you know, a piece of paper. I’m over it, like Buddists I have learned to laugh at those things (that’s why I have a satirical site), besides I would never trade my life for his, icky.

  6. bobbi on August 8, 2008 at 8:54 am said:

    you know what i mean, though, right?

    i don’t think buddhists keep focusing on the bad stuff, do they?

    wait, don’t tell me. i really don’t want to know what buddhists think.

    i’m glad you like being you. God knows, He only made one of you.

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