RCJ has a great article about the the measure today. Yesterday the FOX news show of Sioux Falls, KCPO’s ‘THE FACTS’ had PUC commissioner, Dusty ‘Charlie Brown’ Johnson on the show. The first half of the show Charlie talked about a great windpower program that is a partnership with schools, then the host let Chuck rant and rave (mislead) about all the negative effects of #10 if passed. Funny how the only people complaining about #10 are politicians, business men and municipalities? Things that make you go . . . hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

7 Thoughts on “Initiated Measure #10

  1. Funny how the only people complaining about #10 are politicians, business men and municipalities?

    And Pat Powers

  2. No kidding. I encourage everyone to read the initiative and not just listen to the Pattycakes and Charlie Browns of the world before they form an opinion. It is very pro-voter initiative.

  3. Dusty Johnson on August 11, 2008 at 5:42 pm said:

    Jeez, l3wis . . . give a fella the benefit of the doubt once in a while! I did admittedly rant and rave, but “lie” is a strong word, and implies an attempt to deceive. That wasn’t the case. If I said something that wasn’t true, it was because I was mistaken (which does happen from time to time!).

    I am happy to be educated/corrected, though. What did I say that wasn’t true? I don’t like to make the same mistake more than once.


  4. Dusty, c’mon read the Initiative, those things are not true.

  5. Dusty Johnson on August 11, 2008 at 7:40 pm said:

    l3wis, I’m not trying to be dense here . . . I really think that everything I said is true. I’ve read the initiative maybe ten times, but I could easily be missing something.

    If there is something I said that isn’t true, I absolutely don’t want to repeat the error, so please let me know.


  6. I would have to see a transcript but I think you made a comment about “Family members would not be able to donate money to a campaign” that is not true. I’ll tell you what, I will take the word LIE out, but like I said, I would have to see a transcript to verify.

  7. I think the part ‘award of contract’ in section 6 clarifies it. You can donate money to a family member, AS LONG as you are not getting something in return, such as a government contract.

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