I took my fearless contributors out last night, a few things we accomplished:

1) Eggbert needs to watch The Big Lebowski

2) Johnny needs to watch Jacob’s Ladder

3) Angry Guy had to go home early to get milk.

12 Thoughts on “Our Very First South DaCola Fest

  1. Angry Guy on August 26, 2008 at 6:16 am said:

    I never said she was angry. A is about as cool as they come when it comes to putting up with my shit. I went home of my own volition. Are you trying to get me in trouble? Shhhh… she might be reading this right now! Crap!

    Thank you cooked rabbit for the ride to ghetto Sunshine and then home.

    I’m sweating bourbon this morning.

  2. I changed it for you, I was just trying to get the Beam to boil up in you. Yeah, the bike ride this morning was a little rough.

  3. Ghost of Dude on August 26, 2008 at 7:30 am said:

    Guinness always gives me a headache. But anything else would have caused err… digestive problems. I’m glad I decided on the black stuff. The Mrs. had dinner waiting for me when I got home, so that was nice.

    And Eggbert, seriously, watch the Big Lebowski.

  4. Wow, lucky man, free beers and a cooked dinner, score.

  5. Ghost of Dude on August 26, 2008 at 9:35 am said:

    And that wasn’t all…

  6. Angry Guy on August 26, 2008 at 11:01 am said:

    The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.

  7. Yeah, Dude, I may not be married, but if you are out having a few brews with the guyz after work and she has a hotdish waiting for you when you get home, I assumed there would a hotdish waiting for you in the bedroom, or laundry room, who knows with you perverted, kidless married folk.

  8. Ghost of Dude on August 26, 2008 at 11:53 am said:

    I guess she really wants a baby…

  9. I hope you ate with a spoon and not your hands . . .

  10. EggBert on August 26, 2008 at 7:51 pm said:

    I don’t know what a Big Lebowswkiwi is (I hope you are not referring to my Gumpa Grumpy Gump’s Gargantuan Gonads), but I do know that Pastor Steve is right about one thing (much like Angry Guy’s mission – completed with the help of a barfly – to pick up his wife’s milk): 1) you liquored up SD Cola Festival bloggers are for SURE “anti-life extremists,” and 2) because Pastor Steve is not a woman (though he cares about women as much as I3wis does , but ALL MAN (much like Ghost of Dude, it seems – what with his spousal hotdish showing off her baby-making processes to him late last night), thus he blogged “Case closed on the question of whether or not abortion hurts women.” Being a man, but awoman’s advocate, he should know. Now the only thing left is asking the century- old question “Where’s the Johnny RoastBeef?”


    EggBert T. G.

  11. Whew, I need a White Russian after that rant.

  12. EggBert on August 26, 2008 at 9:21 pm said:

    Mr. l3wis: Your comment reminds me of a witty nuance my Next-door Neighbor Ned Nugent’s brother, Jed uttered this morning as we ran into each other out in the backyard trimming our bushes.

    Jed said “I’ve been watchin’ that there Olympics on the telly-vision the past few weeks, and I ain’t seen nothin’ but a white Russian on their team the entire time. I’m thinkin’ of movin’ to Russia ‘cuz it seems that they ain’t got no darkies, gooks, or nerds livin’ there.”

    Now I know that my family and I aren’t close to being THAT predjudgeiced, but he did, as he beautifully pruned his lilacs, make an interesting point.


    EggBert T.F…

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