For the first time in a dozen years, a majority of Americans believe that churches and religious institutions should “keep out” of politics, according to the annual Pew Religion and Public Life Survey.It’s the highest level of public concern with faith’s effect on politics since Pew began asking the question in 1996.

The rise in Americans’ desire to separate religion and politics — from 44 percent in 2004 to 52 percent today — appears due to a surprising increase in conservative distaste for mingling the institutions — from 30 percent in 2004 to half of conservatives expressing the view today.

Among white evangelicals, 36 percent want religious groups to stay out of politics, a dramatic rise from 16 percent four years ago.

3 thoughts on “Poll: Most want church out of politics”
  1. AMEN – Not only should CHURCH stay out of politics, but CITIZENS of the United States should ALSO stay the Heck out of politics. For Gosh sakes, let the elected goverment officials do their jobs and let the Christians run roughshod over the non-Christians as it has always meant to be. My Next-door Neighbor Ned Nugent has always preached this philosophy. And whether you WANT to follow his Christian lead or not,the fact is – IF you DON’T follow his lead, he may just point one of his numerous, diverse, and high-velocity guns at your head until you see his light.


    EggBert T.

  2. I thought it was Ned’s brother Ted who had the numerous, diverse, and high-velocity guns. I’ve seen it on TV.

  3. My Next-door Neighbor Ned doesn’t have a brother Ted. But he has a brother named Jed who is a doctor. Dr. Jed Nugent is a neighbor of Pastor Steve, who runs the Church of the Pearly Gate. Dr. Jed knows that Pastor Steve is busy both on the phone and with personal visits at his house assisting young pregnant women (and their male partners) regarding their Christian sexual crisis issues as well as guiding them with their sexual Christian crisis issues. Dr. Jed is not a doctor of women’s baby-making processes nor is a counselor of women’s sexual issues, but he is a Christian and did earn a Chiropractor Certification via the internet. So, like Pastor Steve and his Alpha Team, Dr. Jed also officially knows a woman better than a woman’s woman doctor knows the woman patient and therefore can make a much more healthier choice for each woman encountered in sexual crisis. They can make a difference – to infinity and beyond…


    EggBert T.

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