32 Thoughts on “Pray to stop gay marriage and black presidents

  1. hosenpheffer on August 13, 2008 at 6:39 pm said:

    FOTF says it was just a ‘joke’. Guess it’s okay for christians to jokingly make fun of prayer the same was it’s okay for black people to use the n word.

  2. you guys are high. where anywhere in that does it have anything to do with him being BLACK?!


  3. hosenpheffer on August 14, 2008 at 5:22 am said:

    I didn’t say ANYTHNG about Obama. I was making reference to FOTF’s LAME excuse for their tasteless “spoof”.

    As FOTF media genius (?) Stuart Shepard states in the video:
    “I’m talking-umbrellas-ain’t-gonna-help-you rain,” Shepard says. “Not flood-people-out-of-their-houses rain, just good ol’ swamp-the-intersection rain…network-cameras-can’t-see-the podium rain.”
    So it’s funny to make “spoof” the “power of prayer”?

    Maybe Mr Shepard should have just encouraged us to pray “a certain presumptive nominee got a good ol’ case of Diarrhea. Not the most disgusting, nastiest, smelly, poopy, drippy, yucky diarriah, just lots-of-it, ooops I might shit my pants Diarrhea”.

  4. Uh, Bobbi, last I checked Obama was black, unless I’m missing something . . .

  5. oh sorry H. i misread what you said. SCOTT, you clearly are claiming a connection between a BLACK candidate and that commentary. not relevant. stop pretending you are not.

    and as for the “spoof” – what do you guys suggest happens here? this is a BATTLE for spiritual things. obama is a part of the larger picture for our future here in america, and many of us are in prayer for those things that matter to us. to say that an opposing party cannot offer up retorts in whatever way they chose is ridiculous. in no way did he PERSONALLY attack anybody, which is always the thing that detroit goes for the jugular for. oh, and you know, SATIRE. that’s a good thing, right?!!

    aaaaaaaarrrrggghuing is useless, i’m sure.

  6. There is a difference, I don’t represent a church or the Christian faith on this site, Mr. Shepard does.

  7. no. representing a church or a faith does not prohibit a person from making a video stating their opinion.

    get over it. you are going to see more of this kind of thing, not less.

  8. Johnny Roastbeef on August 14, 2008 at 6:33 am said:

    Real Christians don’t pray for things like this.

    Bobbi, you need to raise your standards.

  9. hosenpheffer on August 14, 2008 at 6:40 am said:

    This is what saddens me about FOTF’s approach to humor. By “making a video stating their opinion” – spoofing prayer is just RECKLESS.
    This is an organization who ASKS people to call in and email PRAYER REQUESTS. I wonder how their prayer line employees would feel if people called weekly asking for such requests like “pray that my ex gets a flat tire, not an accident causing flat tire, just an inconvenient flat tire” the adds , and btw … jk jk jk.

  10. oh, for crying out loud. christians are ALLOWED to do this kind of thing!! get real.

    but i don’t want to make this about christianity, after all, obama says he’s a christian too, right?

    it’s about opposing world views.

    and believe me, i probably DO need to raise my standards. but not about prayer. i take it pretty seriously, thanks very much.

    and H. yeah. i do think it’s okay to pray for the enemy to be foiled. in whatever way it needs to happen, for the best of the person involved. i don’t think he is praying for undue harm to come to obama, but maybe that is just how i am seeing it.

  11. hosenpheffer on August 14, 2008 at 7:05 am said:


  12. wow?

    i know it’s an uncomfortable thought. but God knows He has brought me there more than once, where what i want and think is right is NOT His view. as a christian, i have to submit to His authority about right and wrong, not my own limited vision. and pray that He gets it His way, no matter what happens.

    too hard to explain in a soundbite, some time we will have a glass of wine and talk about this.

  13. hosenpheffer on August 14, 2008 at 7:24 am said:

    So if I used your justification I could say, because GWB took us into, what is being found to be an unjust and illegal war, where hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT children have been killed it’s OK for me to PRAY that a big Olympic torch slightly burns his ass? Or it’s just as levelheaded a thought to PRAY that dick chenney goes hunting and his friend shoots him in the face, not life-threatening shot inn the face, just “Ouch, wtf, that really hurt” shot in the face?

    Sorry, I don’t pray to foil my enemy. I might pray to soften their heart, and mine.

  14. I don’t think we need to pray for something bad to happen to Dick and George, Karma will eventually “Burn their ass.”

  15. i think it’s okay to pray for righteousness and the will of God to fall upon GWB. someday, he will be held accountable to God. you can pray for whatever you want, but since he has been the leader of my country, i’ve prayed for wisdom, righteousness, and discernment for him. it’s not my job to do otherwise.

    my God is loving but also powerful. He uses a sword when it is necessary. He has done that with me, and it hurt. i am trusting it is the right thing though, and i still feel loved by Him.

  16. hosenpheffer on August 14, 2008 at 7:50 am said:

    I believe we share the same God, but unlike you I don’t feel God uses a sword to get my attention. FREE WILL, and my lack of better judgment, has been the sword that has many times brought me back to a loving God.

  17. well, God has busted my knee caps more than once. not always sure why, probably mostly because i lacked good sense too. but some of the time because i think He knows i walk better with a limp.

    read Job. i think God has many reasons for doing what He does.

  18. God told me to vote for the black guy instead of the old guy, I think I will.

  19. Angry Guy on August 14, 2008 at 9:39 am said:

    I’ve read JOB, and I still think it is rediculous to base your entire life on words written thousands of years ago about a guy that none of them knew. It is all hearsay and superstition.

    Until Jesus himself taps me on the shoulder and tells me I’m wrong, I’m going to go on living my life to its fullest, doing the things that I feel are right for me and my family while trying not to kill anyone in the process. Do yourself a favor and read the book “Holy blood, Holy Grail”. Question everything you think you know, and you might learn something.

  20. angry guy. i think your name says it all.

    Jesus probably HAS tapped you on the shoulder. i know He did me for the first 39 years of my life. unfortunately, i had my ipod on, and was too busy to hear.

    thanks for the advice, but given your views here and in other places, forgive me if i don’t take it.

  21. Angry Guy on August 14, 2008 at 11:09 am said:

    Blind to the presented evidence as usual.
    I’ll continue to base my life on science and facts, and you base yours on superstition and the chance that a bearded Chaco wearing hippy will descend from the clouds someday and take away your pain.

    Seriously though… That book is great. Reads a little like a college text book at times, but it makes a pretty good case for the crucifixion and resurrection being an orchestrated hoax to put Jesus in the throne.

    …and on a side note, the book you base your days around was edited for content by a roman emperor to make his hold on the masses stronger. It was political strategery that shaped Christianity as you and I know it, not anything divine.

  22. Angry Guy, you are gonna get me in trouble with the Baptists.

  23. Angry Guy on August 14, 2008 at 11:32 am said:

    No I’m not… they’re Christians.

    Just ask them to forgive you.

  24. hosenpheffer on August 14, 2008 at 11:44 am said:

    wow, i didn’t know that God was Tanya Harding ex-husband.

  25. angry,

    i see that you have reasons for your convictions, just give me the benefit of the doubt, that i can have reasons for mine that don’t include being in a fuzzy cloud of illusion.

    my turn to recommend something. it’s called the Truth Project, also is set up as a college class and presents the God of the bible as the God of science as well. i learned a thing or two when i watched it.

    oh, and it’s from Focus on the Family, so if you cannot tolerate that thought, then nevermind.

  26. Does it include the guy eating a banana and how it must have been created by God because it perfectly fits in a persons’s (monkey’s) mouth?

  27. hey, is this the most comments you’ve ever gotten without somebody telling you they hate your guts and they are never coming back to your site again?

    rock on! i am a winner.

  28. hosenpheffer on August 14, 2008 at 2:09 pm said:

    back to the conversation before Angry Guy chimed in, I’ve read Job, actually studied it a couple of times and GOD did not cause the suffering of Job, but ALLOWED SATAN to fuck with him. And in the end Job persevered, with God by his side, hence the MESSAGE, IN MY UNDERSTANDING: People will always suffer, but God is always there when we need him, not CAUSING our suffering but HELPING us though it.

  29. yeah, H. i guess YOU win.

  30. hosenpheffer on August 14, 2008 at 6:30 pm said:

    No bob, I don’t WIN.
    I take a step back.

    I think it all is too much and we should just chill and let our faith be our faith and it shouldn’t be political. judges are political. not us. politics should not be based on faith or religious beliefs and faith and belief should not be based on or affected by politics.

    I’m starting to believe that those of us who argue that fact too much may also be risking SANITY and PEACEFULNESS (Which To Me Is: Our relationship with God).

    Romans 14:5-7
    5One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alik e. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. 6He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

    I’ll sit back now and TRY to keep my big mouth shut.

  31. Bobbisocks, I think I had more commenters when we’re taking down the ‘other’ cartoonist.

  32. oh shoot 🙂

    ah well. i think at any rate i’m done with this particular post. but it’s been …. time consuming.

    thanks H, God told me to shut up as well.

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