Munson keeps pushing for a retail tax increase. Originally it was for keeping up with infrastructure repairs on our roads (we are an estimated 80 million behind) but some some new information has come out about what the money is really going to be spent on.

H/T to Stehly and Staggers

2 Thoughts on “So what is this tax increase really for?

  1. Ghost of Dude on August 29, 2008 at 8:29 am said:

    Wonder who sent that anonymous letter…

  2. I think I know. It was probably the same person who tipped me off. They asked to remain ANON. Not sure why? I’m still waiting to see if the AL will do a story about it.

    I don’t have a problem with them building arterial routes, just tell us that! Why do the city directors and the mayor’s office feel they need to ‘trick’ the taxpayers of SF like the state did with Video Lottery? That’s why I said it’s time to end 30 years of Republican corruption and rule in this state.

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