South DaCola

The $750,000 bridge to nowhere

After the council meeting last night I had the opportunity to look at a Koch Hazard’s newsletter. The NL is not available online unless you subscribe to it. But in it was Koch Hazard’s plan for DT. The $750,000 bridge was on the drawing. It is a fancy-smancy suspension bridge. Also what is interesting about the drawing is that the Tower of David and the other low-income apartments are missing (I am assuming that they want to tear them down in the name of progress) An event center also appears in the drawing. I encourage anyone who can get their hands on an electronic version of the NL to send it to me, I would love to post the ‘proposed’ development for DT. Funny how a private architect firm is creating there plans for DT, I guess citizens input doesn’t mean two shits, oh that’s right, you have 5 minutes for input only.

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