Not to be outdone by the crazy fundies and 9/11 “truthers”, this guy from Recreate ’68 attempted to use the power of his mind to levitate the Denver Mint and shake out the loose change - presumably to buy his next acid hit. Between the drama inside the convention and the bat-shit insane protestors, this might just be the most entertaining political convention in history. The GOP will have to try really hard to top it, preferably in the form of really stupid-looking hats and really bad dancing.

7 Thoughts on “The Weirdness Begins

  1. Michelle Obama’s speech was predictable and lackluster at best. People make fun of my writing abilities, but I have and excuse, I went to SE Tech not Harvard. And the ‘Daddy I love you.’ crap. Thank God I was already drunk, because I would have started drinking.

  2. Ghost of Dude on August 26, 2008 at 1:26 pm said:

    I think a 24-hr PPV channel during the conventions that focused entirely on the protestors would make billions. It’s not scripted and you’d be sure to get your money’s worth.

  3. That would be great! I’d watch. I watched a mini-doc about E.L.F. a few years back, very interesting stuff (thems people are freaking nuts!). To Hell with Survivor!

  4. Glad to hear crazy hippies are still trying to levitate stuff.

  5. Reminds me of a episode of THE YOUNG ONES when Neil got so stoned he was levitating over their flat.

  6. Ghost of Dude on August 27, 2008 at 6:47 am said:

    You know, i wonder if the less crazy protesters (who just want to hold up signs and yell slogans) are embarrassed by the loonies. Some of these people have done more acid then I thought existed.

  7. That’s why I go to city council meetings by myself, I want people to know it is MY opinion not the nuns standing on the corner holding signs or long bearded guy (of course they probably don’t want to associate themselves with me either.. ha!)

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