I follow Russian politics about as much as I follow professional sports. Ahem. Okay, I do know more about Brett Favre then I know about president Putin (thanks to the 24/7 news coverage about him).

I was talking to a Russian immigrant friend this weekend, and asked her what she thought of the situation. She has many friends and family that still live in Moscow. She basically said that Georgians are troublemakers and that Putin and Russia have been waiting for an excuse to kick their ass for awhile (she didn’t say it that way, but close). While I don’t trust Putin’s Russia or the Georgians, I found it strange that the U.S. backs Georgia, a country infamous for thinking they are the big dog in the yard, until I found out about all of their oil revenues. And if there is one thing Bush likes, its non-alcholic beer, pretzels and oil.

Yet another bad foreign policy decision based on Uncle Jeb’s paycheck.


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