The below link clearly explains why our beloved and most-wise Council member Mayor-ness DeeDee is so sleepy sleepy tired (BUT still very articulate and coherent) at city council meetings:Â,73910
Sad and tragic. DeeDee is being forced by the evil Dr. Staggers to watch really sucky and boring TV programs to keep her distracted from more important things, so someone should immediately make a proposal (DeeDee will second it) allowing council members (especially her) MORE freedom to do as the average citizen of Sioux Falls does each Monday night: watch top-notch quality NTN (Not the News) television. Therefore,  instead of council members having to pay attention to what is occuring within the mundane Monday meetings, it should be proposed to just let the city Mayor, city administrators, and city developers run the city as they know best and allow the council members to use the City Link remote-control device to flip channels as they see fit during council meetings. Here is an advertisement for one of the wonderful television programs that my family and I watch – without fail – every Monday at 7PM on Channel 21. It is entitled “CSI: Just The Fun Facts of Life’s Big Brother’s Steak and Survivor’s Beer Idol Football Bunch” –
EggBert Tib. Fra. Ich. Goo. and family (minus Aunt Bertha, who has for the past many weeks been embarked on a top-secret Alaskan mission to steal Hotty Toddy Paladin’s winning snow machine as a means of protesting that it should have been HE, not his wicked yet saintly wife, to be chosen as the Republican VP choice. Alas, Aunt Bertha’s hubby Rusty still can’t shake his lusty crusty for Sarah Paladin’s busty – YOWZER!)
Are any of the councilors in touch with reality? While I sat there on my own time for 3 1/2 hours, she was watching TV (and making aproximately $30 an hour). She should be recalled, and all other cable stations except channel 16 should be blocked from their monitors.
i knew you’d have fun with this one, scott! i say you have even MORE fun with it and keep the fire lit on this story! jeeeez — at least she could have been watching something good like “The Hills”!
Or she could just retire.