11 Thoughts on “I guess Abstinence Education doesn’t work

  1. hosenpheffer on September 1, 2008 at 10:15 am said:

    i’d give it 24 hours and palins out due to “need to focus on my family” or “will not allow lefties to attack my daughter” and mr romney will be the new vp choice.

    btw, the fact that sara palin has an OPEN OPPOSITION to comprehensive sex education makes this an opportunity for the right pull their head out of the sand a bit and accept that abstinence ONLY education sets them up for failure.

  2. I love the ‘do as I say’ ‘not as I do’ hypocrisy of the neo-cons. Don’t cheat on your wife with an intern, but gay sex in an airport bathroom is ok.

  3. hosenpheffer on September 1, 2008 at 2:02 pm said:

    well i guess you shouldn’t rely on abstinence ed from the governor,
    just like you shouldn’t get civics from your pastor.

    Sarah Palin, answering a 2006 policy questionnaire:

    Q: Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

    PALIN: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance

    From dailykos.com:
    Fun facts: when John McCain’s grandfather graduated from the Naval Academy in 1906, the Pledge of Allegiance, as first written, was only fourteen years old. It would not be made the official pledge of the United States until 1942, six years after John McCain himself was born.

    When John McCain was born, the words “Under God” were not in the Pledge. They would not appear there until 1954, during McCain’s senior year of high school.

    Either McCain’s graduating class included Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson (hey, maybe Palin will ask him), or McCain’s own vice presidential candidate doesn’t know a stick of history — but still feels perfectly qualified to opine on it anyway. What a completely non-comforting thought.

  4. Barack has been calling the city she was mayor of ‘Wasilly’ instead of ‘Wasilla’ I wonder if he is doing it on purpose? I have heard him say it twice on two different stations and no one has corrected him. He does it without cracking a smile, it’s great, especially when you take it in context “Sarah had 50 employees and a budget of 12 million a year when she was the mayor of Wasilly. She also had a chocolate factory and a silly string plant.”

  5. Ghost of Dude on September 2, 2008 at 6:35 am said:

    I put sites like Kos in the same group as freerepublic and world net daily. They’re rumor mills and anything that comes out of them needs to be checked and re-checked before mentioning it. Otherwise, it’s a great way to end up with egg on your face.

  6. hosenpheffer on September 2, 2008 at 6:57 am said:

    It’s public knowledge that palin answered the gov questionnaire not knowing that “under god” wasn’t added to the pledge until the 50’s let alone the pledge wasn’t created by the founding fathers. This was something that is all over the internets. I just thought kos’ commentary was funny. kos is the perez Hilton of politics.
    In the next 24 hours the internets will be a buzz with all kinds of dirt on ms. Palin. And as billy bob says, “if the democrats can’t win this one our country’s in a heap a trouble”.

  7. I’ll agree the KOS is a rumor mill, but I think if they would not have done the intitial story about grandma Palin, they would have never said Bristol was pregnant until after the election.

  8. Ghost of Dude on September 2, 2008 at 7:36 am said:

    Someone would have noticed the little bump on her belly.
    Why did “they” need to know she was pregnant? Who cares. That’s what happens to girls who grow up in small towns. My wife was lucky to get out of hers – half her class has three kids already.

  9. It’s just Abstinence Ed hypocrisy of the whole thing.

  10. Ghost of Dude on September 2, 2008 at 8:11 am said:

    It doesn’t seem like hypocracy to me. That’s how abstainence-only education has worked from the beginning – kids do it anyway, but aren’t careful about it. Wouldn’t want to be seen buying condoms, now would we?
    I think it’s more irony than hypocracy. You can’t monitor and control everything a 17 year old does. Hormones are an amazing force. I’d say government sponsored abstainance-only education will die a quick death whoever wins.

  11. Especially if the Dems gain more seats in the House and Senate.

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