Kathy M. Kersey wrote a great letter to the editor is Sunday’s Argus Leader,
My favorite lines from the letter,
When any governmental body refuses to act in accord with the wishes of the people, we don’t call it democracy. We don’t even call it socialism. We call it despotism or tyranny.
No politician likes to be called a dictator – ouch!
The correct word is actually mercantilism. When I was there testifying against the tax increase I was amazed at all these politically connected businesses were the ones advocating the tax increase.
Big Business and Big Government. Adam Smith attacked mercantilism in his “Wealth of Nations.”
We need to oppose these government/business partnerships, because they are a wealth transfer from the poor and middle class, to the politically connected.
Tracy Saboe
I think that if developers want paved roads going to their developments on the outskirts of town, I suggest they build them.