4 Thoughts on “One more nail in the coffin

  1. Ghost of Dude on September 3, 2008 at 10:47 am said:

    I was under the impression that she raised taxes on oil in AK, and resigned from some sort of regulatory board because she felt the rest of the members were too cozy with the companies they were supposed to regulate. Doesn’t sound very friendly to me.

  2. Well, if she is against Big Oil, she made a mistake joining McSame’s campaign.

  3. Angry Guy on September 3, 2008 at 11:26 am said:

    While it would appear that she has been taking on “big oil” by pushing for the TransAlaska pipeline, it is my understanding that the majority of this natural gas would be destined for Alberta’s tar-sand crude oil extraction. This clean burning fuel will be wasted in one of the dirtiest and un-eco-friendly forms of fossil fuel gathering known. Afterwards it will be piped further south to BP and Exxon “big oil” refineries….

    I could be wrong…. maybe polar bears aren’t endangered.

  4. Hey, no big deal, they have only been around for 5000 years . . .

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