In his speech tonight to the RNC from the security of the White House over satellite feed he called half (or more) of this country the ANGRY LEFT. This kind of divisive language proves the the IDIOT RIGHT doesn’t represent the whole country, left and right, they only represent their own lust for power and greed and one more reason that when November comes around we give this president, John McCain and the Republicans in the House and Senate their f’ing well deserved walking papers.

Damn right we are angry.

2 Thoughts on “One more reason why GW Bush was the worst mistake this country ever made

  1. The phrase “the 84% of Americans who think we are on the wrong track” is too long so Republicans just substitue “Angry Left” instead.

  2. EggBert on September 3, 2008 at 9:24 pm said:

    My Niece Nellie (though living through a difficult impregnation period lovingly caused by her oftentimes aggressive boyfriend, Petey Schwetty) says it best regarding the Evil, Angry Left: “Don’t worry, be happy!” She doesn’t need to tell you that she is voting for Sarah Paladin as our next President, ooops, I mean, next Vice President of the United States of Alaska. She is proud to be the soon to be mother of an infant on the Idiot Right, because she says she is idiotically right on the right side of the sides.


    EggBert Ti. F. Ic. G.

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