8 Thoughts on “One more reason why I’m not a Republican

  1. hosenpheffer on September 2, 2008 at 1:13 pm said:

    you’d think they could at least get ted nugent to prance around in a loin cloth and spew the virtues of god, guns and rock n roll.
    Although ted was a huckabee supporter I suppose he’s a mccain man now, even though in July he told the des moines register
    “John McCain seem[s] to be catering to a growing segment of soulless Americans who could care less what they can do for their country, but whine louder and louder about what their country must do for them. That is both un-American and pathetic.”

  2. Ever notice how conservatives always have really bad taste in art and music? Especially conservatives from SD?

    I’m getting queasy.

  3. Ghost of Dude on September 2, 2008 at 1:58 pm said:

    Yeah, well you liberals don’t have a monopoly on good taste and appreciation for culture.
    I’ve never been able to figure out why republicans can’t dance, though. That’s just a natural oddity.

  4. Because they go to too many Styx and Nugent concerts! Duh!

  5. EggBert on September 2, 2008 at 4:53 pm said:

    Does Dr. Allen really give colonoscopies? My Uncle Rusty needs one reeeeaaal bad because he is all riled up in the guts about this new V.P. candidate – his interest in her has become extremely agitated and borderline obsessive about it all. He just doesn’t trust the Rpeublican party regarding this choice, for some reason, like everyone else does. Taking advice from Gramps Gump – “Ya needs to fix up what ails ya!” – maybe Uncle Rusty also needs a butt-oscopy of some sort. Would Dr. Allen (or any members of the medical Alpha Team) consider performing this procedure on him?
    by the way, it is good that classic entertainers like Styx, the Thunies, and Ted Nugent are still out there performing to the masses of Republicans and Pat Powerses!


    EggBert Ti. F. I. G.

  6. Well, just snoozing off and on through watching the RNC tonight, it’s safe to say one just hasn’t lived until gazing on a sea of white hair. Egads what a snoozer. I imagine being bored to tears makes hanging out with Thune or listening to Styx seem exciting.

    Can’t they pass around a bottle of Geritol to liven things up? Man, the music and general atmosphere is about as lively as visiting a retirement home on a Sunday.

  7. Ghost of Dude on September 3, 2008 at 6:32 am said:

    I’ve noticed that nearly every republican event I’ve ever attended (I never went to any college republican events. Those kids were idiots) smelled like old people. If you’ve ever been around a lot of old people all at once, you know what I’m talking about.

  8. Last night on the Daily Show they called the convention floor a sea of white, and when they showed a shot of it, it was literally white!

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