By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Why do I feel so dirty?”
  1. Yeah, and like no Hockey Moms were offended by the pitbull comment? I have actually had a couple of die hard Republicans tell me they have never heard of the Pig cliche before, I guess that’s why those idiots keep getting votes.

  2. I think Obama screwed up but didn’t know it. He didn’t mean anything by the pig comment, but also probably didn’t realize how much the media would pick it up and run with it.
    He doesn’t seem like a very savvy politician sometimes, but I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing.

  3. Bobbi-

    So it is okay to smear Obama for two years straight (secret Muslim, Rev. Wright, etc. etc.) but when a couple of satirists do it for a couple of days to the opposing party, all of a sudden it is not funny?! Give me a break. Besides, by not giving interviews, don’t you think Palin is setting herself up for this kind of scrutiny, especially since most of the stuff she is saying is a lie? You are right, I am having a tough time laughing about McSame’s choice for VP, she is really creepy.

  4. bobbi,

    you might want to get your skin thickened if you are going to openly support McSame and What’s her face.

    Your “promise” sounds more like pouting.
    ‘no fair… you guys are meanies. I’m going home to tell my mom.’

  5. Dude-

    I think sometimes Obama and Biden are smarter then the people they are trying to get to vote for them. They don’t let you be president of the Harvard Law Review if you are an average Joe. Sometimes, I think Obama just needs to admit he is smart, cross that bridge and get it over with. I want my president to be smarter then me, and I don’t want to drink a beer with them or go moose hunting with them.

  6. Interesting fun fact about Palin, I guess she hates cats. That’s at least one thing I like about her.

  7. “I think sometimes Obama and Biden are smarter then the people they are trying to get to vote for them. They don’t let you be president of the Harvard Law Review if you are an average Joe. Sometimes, I think Obama just needs to admit he is smart, cross that bridge and get it over with. I want my president to be smarter then me, and I don’t want to drink a beer with them or go moose hunting with them.”

    I don’t doubt for a second that he’s intelligent, but politics requires a certain amount of shrewdness that I just don’t see from him too often. Like I said, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I’d prefer that our leaders weren’t career politicians anyway.
    Ever since Andrew Jackson, presidential candidates have had to appear “normal” to be elected. If Obama can do it without the common appeal, good for him. But for now it seems he can’t decide whether to ditch it or use it.

  8. I deleted the comments between the two cats, they can fight it out over email. This site is dedicated to corrupt politicians and hypocrites not cat fights.

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