8 Thoughts on “Imagine Palin in the Oval Office . . .

  1. Better a pitbull than a brain-dread, shoot-your-mouth-off idiot who is supposed to be an expert in foreign policy — Smokin’ Joe!

  2. Hey, I think you just described Palin not Joe.

  3. Ghost of Dude on October 22, 2008 at 6:45 am said:

    Did you click on the red phone? Awesome.

  4. KABOOM!

  5. Angry Guy on October 22, 2008 at 11:16 am said:

    Personally, I like the dinosaur the best.

  6. I like the dart throwing to pick a name personally.

  7. Does she have on some of the $150,000 worth of clothes the RNC bought for her and her family?

  8. It was actually $175 if you count all of her snack chip named kids.


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