South DaCola

In Defense of Martha Vanderlinde

The Gargoyle Leader has started their endorsement process, or as like to call it – The Kiss of Death. Today they talked about District 15.  While they endorsed Kathy Miles for Senate they stayed on the fence about the House seat and had this to say about Martha;

To be effective, Vanderlinde will have to tone down the left-leaning rhetoric to be effective in a state House that is virtually always Republican-dominated.

Left-leaning rhetoric? Well, not sure if the AL was paying attention to the primaries, but Martha kicked ass and took names, apparently her district likes her views, left-leaning or not. When serving in Pierre you should be representing the views of your district not the views of the party elite, like the AL is suggesting. Sure, Martha will have to cross the aisle once in awhile to get things done, but I would prefer her to vote NO then to rubberstamp legislation that doesn’t represent the things that are important to her district. Once again the AL has shown how out of touch they are with the citizens of the community they are supposed to be serving. You may call Martha’s views left-leaning, I call them spot on.

I also see the AL will endorse a presidential candidate on Sunday – let me guess – John McCain.

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