South DaCola

McCain-Palin; Team of Knuckleheads

And the hits just keep coming. The story about the Ayres/Obama connection had already circulated during the primaries (can I give you some advice Rick Davis? If you are going to dig up dirt on your opponent, make sure it is something the American people haven’t heard about 5 million times already).

I guess if you have tea or coffee with someone you automatically take on their views. Should Have Obama associated himself with Ayres? Probably not a good idea in hindsight, but certainly not something I’m too worried about. Ayres has apologized for his actions and is regretful. The late 60’s were a turbulent time and there were several radical groups in circulation. Considering that Obama was only 8 years old at the time Ayres was up to his shananigans I doubt Barack knew half the stuff Ayres had did in his past when they first met.

But this concerns me a little more, and am surprised it took the Obama campaign this long to bring up this story. I have always felt that John got away with this with just a slap on the wrist.

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