Among the poll’s most dramatic findings: McCain is losing female voters faster than Sarah Palin attracted them after the Republican National Convention. Obama leads McCain by 17 points with women, 55%-38%. Before the conventions, women preferred Obama by a margin of 10 points, 49%-39%. After McCain picked Palin as his running mate, the gap narrowed to a virtual tie, with Obama holding a 1-point margin, 48%-47%.

My new name for a band is The Palin Effect.

7 Thoughts on “Obama Hits a New High, Making Big Gains Among Women

  1. Will the band be able to READ music?

    (Hardy-Harr Harr)

  2. reggie_will on October 1, 2008 at 3:11 pm said:

    Please don’t take this the wrong way, but a friend has recommended that I reach out to you about a problem that you may be having but may not be aware of: Have you ever considered whether your ostentatious support for Senator Barack Obama is really a disguise that hides a deeply anchored form of racism towards Black-Americans?

    Racism comes in many forms, and there is a significant possibility that your sponsorship of Senator Obama is really an obsessive compulsion to prove to yourself, and to others, that you are not a racist. Have you looked within yourself and examined your motives?

    Sure, we can turn it all into a joke, like some have: an Obama lawn-sign is the yuppy status-symbol du jour; a hip and shiny accessory, this season’s iPhone. “But dear, every Volvo in the Whole Foods parking lot has an Obama sticker on it!”—that’s yet another parody of White property-owning affluence as described by

    Have you really considered why you are so fixated by Senator Obama? How important was the pigmentation of Obama’s skin in spurring your interest? Do you really believe that he, or anyone else for that matter, is more qualified to run for the presidency than Senator Hillary Clinton? C’mon, let’s be honest with ourselves; that’s the first step in the healing process.

    Isn’t making a big deal out of Obama’s skin color just another form of racism?

    Unfortunately, Senator Obama and his team have approached this question in a very cynical way. Can anyone really brand former President Bill Clinton a racist? After all he had done for Black people? Well, the Obama campaign did. Can anyone accuse the Rev. Jesse Jackson of being a racist against Blacks? The Obama campaign almost did.

    You should be absolutely certain that you are not being carried over to the voting booth upon a guilt trip. You should take this opportunity to look deeply within yourself and ask, “Why did I fall for Obama? Why am I, after all that we have accomplished on racial issues, still feeling guilty? Am I an unconscious racist? Am I any better than those who pretend not to stare at an inter-racial couple?”

    I’m sorry to tell you that voting for Obama does not absolve you of racism, it may even confirm it. You may be besotted by Obama because he’s the least-black, half-Black politician out there. Did you catch yourself thinking that Obama is remarkably “clean” and “articulate,” as Senator Joe Biden condescendingly said?

    I beg you to visit, and allow the healing process to begin. Cleanse your soul of the last vestiges of racism, and come over to a better world of hope, understanding and self-awareness.

  3. Okay Reggie, I finally stopped laughing, so I will respond to your blog chain letter.

    I went to HS my sophmore and junior year in a suburb of Seattle. I’ll admit, before I moved there I was fearful of black people, but not prejudice. Many of my friends and girlfriends when I lived there were minorities of many races. Our school was about 30-40% minorities. I learned at a young age that you can dislike someone for being an asshole, but race is a non-factor.

    It’s pretty fucking obvious that I am a cynical prick, but I do like positive people, positive people who are genuine. Fake nice is one of my pet peeves.

    I didn’t change my vote to Obama until a few weeks ago. The main reasons are simple;

    – McCain is lost and he is embracing Bush’s reckless agenda.

    – Obama has consitently taken the high road.

    – Obama is smart. Very smart and he works well using other people to make informed decisions. It worked well for Bill Clinton to.

    – He believes in diplomacy first. This is very important to me, I believe war should be a last resort.

    – I think the turning point for me is that Obama acts very presidential, fair and funny. He has shown some moments of fakeness, but he is running for the president of the US, it’s expected.

    I don’t give a fuck what color he is. Maybe you do?

  4. Carrie on October 2, 2008 at 10:45 am said:

    So in other words if someone wants to vote for McCain/Palin because they like Palin, they are really a sexist? Or if I vote for McCain I really believe in ageism? Well, looks like we will all have to take our prejudice selves to the poll and vote for the lesser of the evils. Right.

  5. Carrie, are you down-trodden with female-guilt? Stupid governor-guilt? Or old senator-guilt?

  6. Carrie on October 2, 2008 at 12:02 pm said:

    I’m oppressed by dumbass Reggie-like people guilt.

  7. Vote Reggie 2008!

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