October 2008

Joe Biden Kicked Ass and took names

Okay, that’s the political junkie-farter in me. Palin won on the folksy “I’m one of you” bullshit. He really shook her up a couple times – but she held her own against a giant like Joe. You have to remember, Joe wrote the violence against women act and Sarah charged rape victims for their rape kits when she was mayor of Wasilly. Big difference on women’s rights. Remember she thinks homosexuality is a choice- something that the scientific community has proven differently over the past two decades.

I think where Joe smashed her was on the role of the VP and how Cheney has been a complete Dick about abusing his powers. Joe really showed he knows the US Constituion and Palin doesn’t have an ounce of respect for that document – not good if you want to run the country. Ben Franklin is puking right now.

Of course the Republicans will say she is the bomb that ‘ramped it up’. She is the Schmaverick!

Sorry hillibillies but I want my President and VP to be smarter then me.

McCain Surrenders Michigan

John McCain is pulling out of Michigan, according to two Republicans, a stunning move a month away from Election Day that indicates the difficulty Republicans are having in finding blue states to put in play.

McCain will go off TV in Michigan, stop dropping mail there and send most of his staff to more competitive states, including Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida. Wisconsin went for Kerry in 2004, Ohio and Florida for Bush.


Michigan won’t have John McCain to kick around anymore.

South DaCola’s email box

I thought this was funny;



I’ve been seeing a car with a large Obama detail on it’s side door downtown. I figured it was maybe the SF Obama campaign car. So last night I was at the gas station and the car was there. Guess what the driver was doing? Checking his tire pressure and filling his tires. I was going to take a picture but i was right next to the guy.


have a good day,

Sounds like a good energy plan to me.

Which brings me to something I was thinking about last night. I think Obama is doing well in the polls because his campaign volunteers are so mobolized. Think about it. Before the RNC, John was lucky if he could get a couple of hundred people to show up to his rallies, not until he added Palin did those numbers go up. There is no doubt that Democrats (especially grassroots liberals) are better door to door campaigners – just ask my heros Wellstone, Hightower and Dean. Dean has really changed the way Dems get out the vote, he proved that in 2006 and I think he will prove it again in November.