I saw this in McKennan park today. Thought the Al Franken sign was a nice touch – I wonder if Daugaard lives there?

LMFAO- Saw this video today, I think the kid nailed it. “I hope you hit a whale on the way to France.”

Seems the McCain campaign is spinning the Hockey Mom status of Palin a little further . . . I always thought she was a VPILF instead?

The school board decided to not let extremists distribute their crap in the schools anymore, but the Gargoyle Leader has even a better idea . . . junk mail and spam. Yeah, that’s a GREAT IDEA! this from the same people who endorsed Vernon Brown and the sales tax hike.

Perhaps there still is some way for the school district to help those groups whose important missions revolve around helping children grow and learn. Electronic communication quickly is becoming universal. Some sort of opt-in e-mail distribution list might make sense. The schools could then turn that list over to organizations that ask for it, thereby escaping the middle-man role. The same could be done with mailing addresses.

3 Thoughts on “Saturday Odds & Ends

  1. Ghost of Dude on October 6, 2008 at 7:26 am said:

    ZThe official status of Palin will soon change to “GILF”. Think about htat one for a while…

  2. Governor

  3. Ghost of Dude on October 6, 2008 at 10:31 am said:


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