I love it! I’m surprised John didn’t call him ‘BOY’
When he said that, I was hoping against hope that he’d refer to himself as “this one”. I cringed a little, and then put my forehead in my palm.
The debate was rather interesting, but I can’t say I cared for the format.
Crappy format, crappy moderator, crappy questions.
I agree. Brokaw was just darned awful. I did notice Pander Bear McGrumps WINK once at him. Blechh! What’s up with these winking neocons????
Did you see the Olbermann satire video of McSalami looking for his dog ‘puddles?’ I gotta find that.
I love it! I’m surprised John didn’t call him ‘BOY’
When he said that, I was hoping against hope that he’d refer to himself as “this one”. I cringed a little, and then put my forehead in my palm.
The debate was rather interesting, but I can’t say I cared for the format.
Crappy format, crappy moderator, crappy questions.
I agree. Brokaw was just darned awful. I did notice Pander Bear McGrumps WINK once at him. Blechh! What’s up with these winking neocons????
Did you see the Olbermann satire video of McSalami looking for his dog ‘puddles?’ I gotta find that.