6 Thoughts on “The sidewalk to nowhere

  1. That Girl on October 10, 2008 at 11:57 am said:

    Yeah, that’s funny. That’s exactly why I posted the same thing yesterday. I’m assuming you missed that.

  2. Sorry, I didn’t see it on Dakotawomen. That Obama shirt with the Hammer and sickle cracked me up.

  3. Angry Guy on October 10, 2008 at 2:38 pm said:


  4. I also like the guy that said Obama was a lawyer.

    Uh . . . Duh.

  5. wow. we really do live in a scary world, don’t we?

  6. I think McSame is getting nervous about his negative attacks. He had to settle a crowd down the other day and called Obama a ‘decent person’. I think John is coming to the realization that some of his supporters are ‘whackjob bigots’

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