17 Thoughts on “What did you think of the 30 minute commercial?

  1. Angry Guy on October 30, 2008 at 6:51 am said:

    watched the whole thing.
    pretty sure that guy is the antichrist.
    Or was it terrorist? I can’t remember now.
    Anon, what did you think?

  2. Johnny Roastbeef on October 30, 2008 at 6:54 am said:

    One thing that struck me was that he didn’t mention McCain once. There was not a single negative bit in this ad.

    I had to LOL when the first ad after it was over was another negative McCain ad bashing Obama.

  3. I think he should host Meet the Press, Brokaw sucks.

  4. JR-

    I noticed that too, they looked so stupid.

  5. Where do I begin?

    It was mix of mind-bending stuff that Kool-Aid drinkers love.

    Interesting how he talks about family, but his family tree is so convoluted that even he can’t keep up with it. He says he wants to help people (but it’s not Obama who wants to help people…he wants the government to do it), yet he doesn’t take care of his own extended family.

    Add this to the guy living in a hut in Kenya:


    And his claim of who is NOT going to see new taxes is a moving target. The number gets lower every day (but he can also blame loudmouth Biden for that).

    But hey. Don’t take my word for it. Here is an assessment by the AP.


  6. Ghost of Dude on October 30, 2008 at 9:44 am said:

    The McCain ads before and after the infomercial were planned in advance.
    I was a little disappointed he didn’t have Billy Mays on as his pitch man. He’s done wonders for oxy clean.

  7. Anon-

    So are you saying that people with large interracial families disqualifies them to be president? Interesting, considering most white Americans are of mixed European nationalities. Not to mention most families have interracial relatives. I have second cousins on both sides of my family that are either black or hispanic and I have an aunt who is half American indian. Are you telling me your familiy is as ‘pure’? Give me a break. Maybe you need to be commenting on a KKK blog instead of mine. Of course this reinforces my belief that the Republican party is the WHITE party.

    And what does his aunt have to do with his qualifications? Ironically, Obama wants to help people like her more then McCain does.

    As for budget reviews. Funny that a McCain supporter and probably someone who voted for Bush would criticize spending. McCain voted for Bush’s expensive war and continues to support it. Pull us out of Iraq, tax the rich accordingly and we will have plenty of money for DOMESTIC programs. Or we can keep flushing our money down the illegal premptive war and military industrial complex toilet. I would prefer my tax money be spent on me and my fellow Americans.

  8. Doesn’t Billy Mays sell that Jerky Dryer to?

    Maybe they can come out with the John McCain Grill after he looses.

  9. Wow. Here we go again.

    What makes you think my characterization of Obama’s family tree as “convoluted” had anything to do with race?

    But this is no surprise, coming from a crybaby. Do what Obama has done from the beginning…play the race card.

    And you don’t know anything about me, and it’s none of your business. Let’s just say that some of my forebears were targeted by the KKK, but I’m not black. Figure that one out if you can.

    As for family and qualifications…you are reading ‘way too much into it, again. It’s got nothing to do with qualifications. It has to do with hypocrisy.

    Then there’s the spending thing. Where did I say that I approved of the Bush Administration spending spree? I’m as ticked off about that as anybody.

    Looks as if the Obama campaign has trained you well. They love nuance so much that you have to dig to find out what he really means. Now you are projecting that to my comment and getting it TOTALLY wrong, because you are not used to straight talk. No need to read between the lines, pal.

  10. Convoluted; complicated; intricately involved

    Like I said earlier, how does that disqualify him to be president?

    I voted for Obama because he is the smartest person running for president. Period.

    As for the KKK; are you a Jew who believes that Obama supports the PLO and the death of Israel? I will say this, I disagree with Obama supporting Israel. I think the Zionists in this country have too much lobbying power in Washingtion. I think all middleastern countries need to be treated equally. Muslim, Jewish, Hindu or Christian.

  11. Ghost of Dude on October 30, 2008 at 1:16 pm said:

    Nah he’s probably a Catholic – a groupr targeted here by the KKK back in the 20s because there weren’t any black people around and the native americans would shoot back.

    McCain will lose this election in part because of idiots like you, Anon, who can’t seem to figure out what the american people really care about. I’ll give you a clue: it isn’t about family trees or radical pastors.

  12. It’s not? Crap!

  13. You libs think you are so smart, but you can’t read.

    I never said that the family tree in itself was important. It’s Obama’s treatment of the members of said family tree. He blathers about “My Brother’s Keeper,” yet doesn’t care for his own. He is a hypocrite.

    And to this: “Nah he’s probably a Catholic”..I guess it wouldn’t matter to you if Catholics were targeted.

  14. Ghost of Dude on October 30, 2008 at 2:30 pm said:

    And to this: “Nah he’s probably a Catholic”..I guess it wouldn’t matter to you if Catholics were targeted.

    Why not?

    If hypocracy was really important to you, the only potential politician you would be able to get behind would be Jesus Christ, Himself. They’re all hypocrites just as the rest of us are. If you don’t believe that, you’re deluded.

  15. I don’t understand your comment. Sorry. I didn’t go to Harvard.

    And I sure ain’t for Jesus…at least the contemporary version….BO the community organizer.

  16. “I didn’t go to Harvard.”

    That’s pretty obvious, Darlene.

  17. Ghost of Dude on October 31, 2008 at 6:17 am said:

    I don’t understand your comment. Sorry. I didn’t go to Harvard.

    Please explain what that has to do with my comment.
    Does your brain fire off random neurons often?

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