And the winner is . . .

Sloppy Seconds Sarah

Submitted by Jackie. Pick a toon for your prize.

Okay, here’s you chance to give Governor Sarah Palin a new nickname, and win a signed toon.

These have already been used, so come up with something else:

Caribou Barbie

Gov. Moose Drool

Gov. Moose Fool

Gov. Avon Lady

By l3wis

24 thoughts on “What’s in a name?”
  1. Something that should be out of bounds as it’s used out in the Internets is “Moosalini” too. I’d claim it and try to use it, but it’d be dishonest. 😉 Will brainstorm today…

  2. The Messiah
    Barack Osama
    Barry Bin Laden
    Barack “Not the Guy on the Currency” Obama
    “Black Like Me” Barry

  3. Back in their courting days of yore, Uncle Rusty used to call Aunt Bertha by the name of “Big Busty” – so don’t be calling our beloved V.P. candidate “Rich & Busty” because she is not rich and her womanly bust parts, must like her daughter, Bustol, should be kept private.


  4. Hahahaha. So are you.

    Just trying to make the point that stupid name-calling is not productive. You can’t seem to make your arguments without it. Kinda like when a candidate accuses another of not being able to debate the issues, so they resort to personal attacks.

    But that seems to be your M.O. … consistent with an angry, miserable, worthless existence, which you apparently have.

  5. Do you mean name calling like this?

    “The Messiah
    Barack Osama
    Barry Bin Laden
    Barack “Not the Guy on the Currency” Obama
    “Black Like Me” Barry”

    Go away racist.

  6. Again…just trying to show that it is unproductive no matter who is doing it…there’s no difference between your nasty name-calling and what I wrote.

  7. And don’t worry. I’m leaving. I feel like I have to take a shower after reading your crap.

  8. “Pallin’ Round-with-Racists”

    Indian name:
    “Shoots Wolves From Metal Bird In Sky”

    Sloppy Seconds Sarah
    (‘cuz she was runner up in beauty contest & not Leiberman – who McCain really wanted as VP)

  9. Yeah Scott, who is the winner??? This ought to be a new post so we don’t have to scroll back….

  10. Okay: If contest is still going — or just plain ol’ forgotten, I’ll toss a few more out there:

    Half-Baked from Alaska or Half-baked Alaskan
    (maybe that applies more to Levi J. though…)

    Shrilla from Wassila

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