I’ll have to admit, even though I think Sarah is dumber then jellied moose nose (yes they eat that shit in Alaska) I have been quite impressed with her daughter Piper. She is like a miniature, female GW Bush. Do whatever, whenever, who cares, I’m cute (spit combing her little bro’s hair and waving to the booing Philly Flyer fans, comes to mind). Sarah knows it to, that’s why you see Piper by her side anytime the MSM trys to ask her questions. You can’t ask hard questions when someone has there grade school aged child standing by your side.

So Piper, without little fanfare, I congratulate you on your award.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Best ‘TOKEN’ of 2008 Election Cycle; Piper Palin”
  1. Yeah, and come to think of it, Obama’s rugrat called her daddy out when they were paraded out at the Dem Lovefest in Denver. Obama didn’t even know the difference between Kansas City and St. Louis, but the kid did.

  2. Pretty funny how Obama’s kids are smarter then Governor ‘Punk’d on the Radio by a Canadian’ Palin.

  3. Bush got punked by canadians too back in 2000. Someone asked if he would sit down and meet with Prime Minister Jean Poutine. Bush said he’d love to.
    Look up “Poutine” on wiki if you don’t know what it is. To his credit, Bush then used the interview for some self-depricating humor on his next trip to Canada saying that he was disappointed not to get to talk with Mr. Jean Poutine.

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