But Councilor Litz doesn’t think so.

Listen to the discussion between Staggers and Litz on the Sales Tax decrease initiative. Litz also believes government knows how to spend your money better then you do. He says to keep the town growing.

I think he has been locked up in Munson’s bullet proof closet for too long.

Inside Town Hall – November 10, 2008

Council Members Kermit Staggers and Bob Litz: Citizen Initiative Reducing the Sales Tax and Shape Sioux Falls. Council Members Litz and Staggers discuss the 2nd penny sales tax and other topics.

2 Thoughts on “Cutting $5 Million from a $412 Million dollar budget would have been a snap.

  1. Tracy Saboe on November 17, 2008 at 1:13 am said:

    Wow. Litz is trying to call our initiative the “Tyranny of the Majority” Wow, Lowering taxes is “tyranny” I guess King George the III wasn’t a Tyrant after all! He was a nice old man, who raised taxes on the colonies because lowering them was Tyranny.

    Notice that thinly veiled insinuation that this initiative had of “Outside Influence.”

    The City Government knows all. It has 5 year plans and everything — just like Communist Russia.

    I always hate this inference that the City can create jobs.

    Government can’t “Create” jobs. At best all it can do is efficiently rearrange them. Every job “created” by the city, is paid for by money extracted from citizens, that now aren’t spending that money on things they would rather spend it on. Those places now, must loose revenue, which means job destruction.

    Henry Hazlet said it best in his Economics in One Lesson. Every job government creates, then necessarily destroys a job in the voluntary sector of the economy.

    Usually it destroys more then one, because government’s not anywhere near as efficient at allocating resources as individuals and businesses who have to live with-in a profit and loss statement.

    Litz doesn’t understand Private Property rights either — the cornerstone of a Free Society. “No Citizen shall be deprived of property with-out due process.” When you start telling people what they can’t, or must do on their own property, that’s pretty much the economic definition of fascism.


  2. As George Bailey said in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” ‘Your’e screwy, that’s what you are’

    Litz’s off the cuff remarks are incredibly uneducated. As Angry Guy said to me once, ‘That guy needs to to take a deep breath and count to ten before he speaks in front of a camera.’

    Though Litz’s appearance on the broadcast was a last minute bait and switch (it was only supposed to feature Kermit) I still think Kermit got the better of Bob. Especially pointing out that we are only cutting $5 million from a $412 million dollar budget and the fact that citizens can spend money more wisely then city hall.

    And you are right, taxes don’t create jobs. And if we are raising taxes on food to create jobs, there is something ‘screwy’ with that plan.

    There is only one kind of person benefitting from this tax increase; Developers.

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